Monday, December 30, 2013

Learning the Hard Way – Students take to the streets

The UK has just seen the latest in an ongoing string of student protests, stretching back a few years to the beginning of the current coalition government. The most recent protests have been around the collusion of university authorities and the police to block student demonstrations and occasionally even arrest ringleaders. A number of universities have applied for, and been granted, injunctions to stop any protest on their campuses for the next six months – an appalling betrayal of the principle of free speech that such institutions are supposed to stand for.

UK students aren’t the only ones kicking up a fuss over their conditions – there was a widespread student movement in the Quebec province of Canada a year ago over rising tuition fees; and in the past week we’ve seen uprisings across Egyptian universities after police shot a student in Cairo. All of these protests have their own individual contexts – the situations in London and Cairo are obviously very different – but they raise the question of why students worldwide are becoming more politically active.
One big reason is that students, with the time they have to think deeply about the world, are ideally placed to witness the privatization of society now taking place. In many cases, their universities provide a prime example – departments that are seen as less ‘economically useful’ are being shut down, and employees, from the cleaning staff right the way up to the lecturers, are being laid off or having their wages frozen. Rather than academic excellence, it is clear that many universities around the world are now more concerned with profit, and with contributing to the continuation of the economic status quo.
Perhaps an even more important reason is that students are smart enough to see the lack of opportunities that will be on offer to most of them when they graduate. They were sold a dream that if you work hard at university, you’ll succeed, no matter where you started in life. But with the increasing divisions in society between the rich and the poor, students can now see that most of them will actually come out as losers in the game of life, no matter how hard they work. Success and wealth is reserved for those who are already ‘in the club’ – they have rich parents, or family connections that will help them get the few remaining well-paid jobs. For most students, the future is bleak – a minimum wage job in Starbucks, and a mountain of debt. We are creating a society of born winners and losers.
As some of the most outspoken critics of this situation, and as some of the people with the most to lose, the students are now facing repression to stop their message spreading. Shot in Cairo, ‘kettled’ and arrested in London – anything to stop them reaching out to others who are losing their livelihoods and their chances in this age of austerity. We should all do our best to help spread the spirit and philosophy of the students to more people – we need a society which places the human values and needs of knowledge, creativity, and justice as its main priority; rather than one which places profit above all, and exacerbates the divide between those winners and losers.


Tuesday, December 24, 2013




专注于能源效率的美国江森自控公司副总裁Clay Nesler声称,EER应被视为“能真正推动更优能源效率投资的诸多工具之一,前提是将其与其他方法配合使用。”
NRGLab 推出了便携式发电机SH-Box(多晶体发电机),帮助提高您的家庭或者办公室的能源效率,它生产的全天然电力售价只是目前成本的一小部分。实际上每千瓦电力仅为0.03美元!

从英文版翻译而来。原文于 620

[ 能源效率, EER, ORS, ARS, Clay Nesler, SH-box, NRGLab 新技术, NRGLab的公司, Ana Shell NRGLab, Ana shell ]

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Akhir Kejayaan Gazprom

Masa depan Gazprom, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Alam Rusia yang pada tahun lalu mengalami punurunan laba hingga 15%, nampak semakin tidak menentu sejak Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin ‘kelelahan’ menangani ekspor luar negeri mereka. Presiden telah berjanji untuk mengubah Rusia menjadi negara “adidaya energi”, namun dalam kenyataannya, secara tak langsung telah menyebabkan Rusia tak dapat beradaptasi dengan adanya pasar energi baru di seluruh dunia.

Selama sepuluh tahun terakhir, sepertiga dari kebutuhan gas Eropa diimpor dari Rusia. Beberapa negara, seperti Bulgaria, bahkan hanya bergantung dari pasokan Gazprom. Jutaan orang menderita ketika Gazprom memutuskan layanannya kepada Ukraina, Belarusia, Gorgia, dan Moldova selama beberapa kali musim dingin yang mencekam di tahun 2006, 2008, dan berulang di tahun 2009, dengan alasan memberi pelajaran kepada para eksekutif yang terlalu ambisius memaksa Kremlin untuk memperbaiki legislatifnya.
Parahnya lagi, Gazprom membeli gas alam dari daerah Kaspia dan menjualnya kembali kepada negara-negara tetangganya di Eropa dengan menaikan harga sebesar 25%. Demi mempertahankan margin tersebut, CEO Alexey Miller telah berjuang (baca: menentang) namun akhirnya kalah, terhadap rencana pembangunan jalur pipa alternatif yang dibangun oleh perusahaan-perusahaan barat.
Bayangkan Gazprom sebagai si tukang tindas saat jam istirahat, mengamuk di halaman halaman sekolah, membuat anak-anak lain ketakutan, mengambil uang jajan beli susu mereka, karena dia hanya ingin mereka minum dari kolam susu ‘miliknya’ saja, dengan harga dua puluh lima sen sekali isap.
Kelompok ini melemahkan undang-undang energi yang diwariskan oleh Uni Eropa. Sebagai contoh, Paket Energi Ketiga ditujukan untuk merangsang pasar energi di internal Eropa. Salah satu komponen utama dari paket tersebut memerlukan adanya pemutusan jaringan pasokan dan distribusi antar perusahaan. Artinya – jika kamu mengendalikan sumber mata air, kamu tidak bisa mengendalikan siapa yang minum, atau bagaimana caranya.
Namun, selama beberapa tahun terakhir, dengan munculnya produsen-produsen energi baru yang menawarkan harga lebih murah, telah memungkinkan para konsumen energi melepaskan diri dari ketergantungan mereka pada Gazprom.
Bahkan Amerika Serikat diperkirakan akan mengekspor gas alam cair dalam jumlah sangat besar ke Eropa  pada tahun mendatang ini. Penggunaan gas alam telah menjadi pilihan sebagian besar rakyat di Amerika Utara dan Uni Eropa sebagai bahan bakar pengganti batu bara. Dan dengan meningkatnya penggunaan gas dari batuan serpih, maka masa depan Gazprom semakin meredup.                                                   
Minyak mentah adalah komoditas berharga di masa lalu. Demikian juga dengan batu bara. Kedua sumber daya alam yang sangat tidak ramah lingkungan ini mengantarkan kita hingga ke abad 21. NRGLab telah mengembangkan sarana yang lebih efisien untuk mengubah gas alam menjadi bahan bakar. Gas alam, meskipun juga mempunyai bahaya tersembunyi, menawarkan solusi energi yang lebih bersih bagi keadaan Eropa saat ini. Untuk informasi selengkapnya mengenai strategi energi dan proyek-proyek NRGLab berikutnya, silakan kunjungi

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 9 Desember:

[ Gazprom, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Gas Alam, Vladimir Putin, adidaya energi, pasar energi baru, Alexey Miller, NRGlab, Proyek Gasifikasi NRGLab ]

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Prisons for Profit – the latest corporate scheme

There’s been so much going on the news in the past few weeks that it can be hard to keep up with the increasing parade of exploitation and oppression coming from around the world. But one story from a few months ago caught my eye recently – it was barely covered by major news organizations at the time, despite being the kind of thing we should all be bothered by.

The story concerns an American judge named Mark Ciavarella, of Pennsylvania. Earlier this year a court ordered him to pay $1.2m in compensation to his victims. His crime? Selling children to the prison-industrial complex. Ciavarella and another judge, Michael Conahan, were found guilty of accepting millions of dollars of cash from the builder of a private youth prison in Pennsylvania, in exchange for finding young people guilty of their accused crimes. Ciavarella twisted the judicial process around, making it much harder for these kids to defend themselves, denying them their legal rights, and sending children as young as 10 years to these private prisons, often for extremely minor crimes.
This is obviously disgusting. But supporters of our current penal system will say it’s just a few bad apples, rather than anything systematic. Actually, it’s a lot more serious than that. Privately-owned prisons are becoming more common around the world – they are prisons built by developers and security corporations, which are designed to make profit for the companies that run them. The profit comes from the government paying them a sum of money for every prisoner they house. This means that private prisons have two main interests – incarcerating as many people as possible, and spending as little money as possible on looking after their prisoners (through poorer quality food, fewer security officers, fewer activities for prisoners, and so on). The more successfully they perform these two tasks, the more profit they make.
This is problematic because the prison system is generally used as a way to ensure that the powerful remain powerful, and those with nothing remain at the bottom. There is already a much higher chance of being sent to prison if you are poor than if you are rich, and in some cases simply being in poverty is a reason to send someone to prison – think of homeless people who are told they are trespassing, or illegally asking for money from passers-by. Many people have had almost everything taken away from them by our political and economic system – they have lost their houses, their jobs, their money, and now they lose their freedom. And why? So that private developers – people who are at the top of our economic pyramid – can make more money.
The example of Ciavarella and his associates is one of the worst cases of this exploitation – of taking away people’s lives for profit. But it is just the tip of the iceberg. Many private prisons have agreements with local governments to guarantee high occupancy rates – that means the governments are agreeing to send a certain number of people to prison, regardless of how many crimes they commit. That means more laws need to be created to make more things illegal, and ruin more lives.
This is now way to run an economy, to turn a profit, to make a living. We as humans have so much ingenuity, and so much ability to make good things happen – but instead of working together to do good, we have turned against one another, and become a society of people who lose everything, and people who win everything. We hope to change that at the Ana Shell Fund, even if it takes a long time and a lot of energy – we hope to usher in a more cooperative and fair society, where everyone can be a winner.

Sunday, December 15, 2013









开发可再生替代能源, 替代能源, 温斯顿·丘吉尔, Ana Shell, NRGLab的公司, NRGLab 新技术, 菲律宾 Ana Shell ]

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Gas alam Israel dapat meredakan ketegangan di Timur Tengah

Penemuan cadangan gas dalam jumlah sangat banyak di Israel dalam sekejap telah mengubah negara ini menjadi raksasa energi hijau (baca: ramah lingkungan) dan pemain utama dalam industri ini.
Selama berabad-abad, Israel, selalu menjadi kartu mati negara-negara Timur Tengah yang berlomba-lomba mengimpor minyak, namun sekarang negara ini mempunyai gas alam yang cukup, tidak saja untuk meraih kemandirian energi, namun juga untuk mulai mengekspor ke pasar luar negeri, termasuk ke Eropa.

Beberapa perwakilan Israel telah mengusulkan perjanjian “gas untuk perdamaian” dengan harapan devolatisasi Timur Tengah. Namun, negara-negara Arab pastinya tidak akan mau bekerja sama dengan negara Yahudi ini, sekalipun harga gas ditawarkan menarik sekali. Permusuhan antara bangsa Arab dan Yahudi yang sudah belangsung selama ribuan tahun teramat mendalam dan berakar pada perbedaan agama yang tidak dapat diperbaiki.  
Phinas Avivi, Direktur Hubungan Strategis pada Kementrian Luar Negeri Israel, mengatakan adanya “kemungkinan campuran yang menarik” sedang bermain. “Caranya adalah menggunakan gas untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan, bukan membuat permasalahan baru.”
Meskipun Israel memiliki pengaruh terhadap wilayah lainnya di jazirah tersebut, nampak seolah-olah kepemimpinan Israel tidak akan digunakan untuk menggertak negara-negara di sekitarnya. Dalam minggu-minggu mendatang, mereka diharapkan akan mengumumkan rencana insentif pajak dan pembatasan ekspor gas alam dengan harapan dapat mengatur komoditas yang dicari ini. 
Para ekonom juga telah mengingatkan kemungkinan adanya ‘gelembung’ gas alam di Israel, karena pemasukan ‘petrodolar’ yang tiba-tiba dapat membuat nilai mata uang shekel mengalami inflasi, melumpuhkan daya saing negara tersebut di wilayah perdagangan lainnya.
Perdana Menteri Benjamin Netanyahu telah memuji produksi di repository Tamar yang mulai beroperasi bulan Maret lalu sebagai “sebuah langkah penting menuju kemandirian energi.” Tamar hanyalah ladang gas pertama yang diatur untuk dioperasikan tahun ini. Sedangkan cadangan gas lepas pantai terbesar bernama Leviathan, dijadwalkan akan dapat diakses pada tahun 2016. Leviathan mengandung gas alam yang cukup banyak untuk memasok seluruh Uni Eropa selama lebih dari setahun!
Bagaimanapun, gas alam tidak sama dengan minyak bumi yang Anda gunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk mobil Anda, atau untuk memanaskan rumah Ana. Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) adalah gabungan gas-gas hidrokarbon dan diproduksi selama penyulingan minyak mentah dan gas alam. Prosesnya rumit dan mahal.
NRGLab telah mengembangkan proses gasifikasi yang lebih efisien untuk mengubah gas alam, batu bara, dan limbah pertanian menjadi bahan bakar bersih. Terobsoan ini mempunyai potensi menghemat miliaran dolar bagi negara-negera, seperti Israel, yang mengejar peluang ekonomi baru. Ketika pasokan gas alam menjadi terbatas, mengapa mengambil risiko membuang satu ons saja produk yang berharga?
Kunjungi untuk mempelajari selengkapnya tentang proses dan cara menjadi bagian dari revolusi teknologi energi-hijau.

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 17 November:

[ Gas alam Israel, Timur Tengah, energi hijau, mengimpor minyak, kemandirian energi, pasar luar negeri, Ana shell, energi NRGLab, NRGlab ]

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The little guys are finally catching up to big bully Gazprom

The future of Russia’s natural gas power Gazprom, which saw a 15% drop in profits last year, seems uncertain since President Vladimir Putin has gone ‘all-in’ on foreign exports. The President promised to transform Russia into an “energy superpower,” but in doing so, has inadvertently rendered the country incapable of adapting to the emergence of new energy markets across the globe.

Over the last ten years, one-third of Europe’s gas imports originated from Russia. Some countries, like Bulgaria, depend solely upon Gazprom. Millions of people suffered through grueling winters in 2006, 2008, and again in 2009 when the company severed service to the Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova, in order to teach a lesson to overly-ambitious executives who’d pushed the Kremlin for a legislative overhaul.
What’s worse, Gazprom purchases natural gas from the Caspian region and re-sells it to their European neighbors at a 25% markup. In order to maintain these types of margins, CEO Alexey Miller has fought, and defeated, plans for alternative pipelines constructed by Western companies.
Think of Gazprom as the bully at recess running amok through the school yard, shaking kids down for their milk money because he only wants them to drink from ‘his’ water fountain, which costs a quarter per sip.
This stronghold undercuts energy legislation passed down by the European Union. For example, the Third Energy Package is intended to stimulate Europe’s internal energy market. One of the central components of the package entails separating companies’ supply and distribution networks from one another. Meaning – if you control the water fountain, you can’t control who drinks from it, or how.
Over the past several years, however, reduced prices and new energy producers have allowed consumers to break free from Gazprom. There’s no longer a global demand for their product. Competition from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan, late entries into the game, have presented Central Asia with affordable alternatives. As a result, European consumers can now negotiate their price-point with Gazprom. Last year, the company accepted a 10-year deal with Bulgaria at a 20% discount!
The United States is expected to export an unheralded quantity of liquefied natural gas to Europe this coming year. Natural gas has already replaced coal as the fuel of choice for most of North America and the European Union, and with shale operations on the rise, Gazprom’s future looks bleak.

Because crude oil is a thing of the past. So is coal. These resources are too environmentally-unfriendly to carry us into the 21st Century. NRGLab has developed a more efficient means of converting natural gas to fuel. Natural gas, though with its pitfalls, offers a cleaner answer to Europe’s current situation. For more information on NRGLab’s energy strategies and upcoming projects, visit

big bully Gazprom, energy markets, Alexey Miller, alternative pipelines, energy legislation, NRGLab,  natural gas to fuel, energy strategies, Ana Shell, NRGLab projects, NRGLab Asia ]

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Talking About Thailand

The recent protests in Thailand have been a big topic of discussion here in Singapore, with regular coverage on many of the television channels. At the same time, although we're geographically quite close to the situation, it can seem quite a long way away in terms of our day-to-day experience – most countries never get to see protestors barricading their streets and trying to storm the Prime Minister's office.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a Thai businessman who is working here in Singapore – I don't want to use his real name for fear of getting him in trouble back in his own country, so let's call him Sarawut – and decided this would be a great opportunity to ask him for his thoughts on the matter.

Thailand is a very divided country,” he told me. “Very divided. Everyone – the protestors and the supporters of the government – thinks that they only want the best for Thailand. But very few of them actually know what they want in clear terms – and the powerful people take advantage of that in situations like this one”

How do they take advantage of this, I wondered – surely if the country is in chaos, the result is just as bad for the powerful as it is for the disadvantaged or the middle class?

The more I thought about the issue, however, the more I realized what Sarawut meant. The ordinary people spend all their time fighting each other, and they score occasional 'successes' – one group removes a Prime Minister supported by the other group, the other group hits back against politicians supported by the first group, and so on. But ultimately, the structure of elite politicians and the businesses that support them financially remains untouched – the state apparatus itself simple becomes more and more powerful, as the protests become an excuse for strengthening the military, the police, and the elite class as a whole.

When I saw Sarawut again a few days later, he elaborated on his original point and confirmed my thoughts. “There are so many Thai people who have so little – the people on the farms and in the rural areas live a hard life, yes, but even most of the people in the cities live with very little compared to those at the top. But despite their similarities, the city people and the rural people spend all their time arguing and fighting with each other, while the people at the top are much smarter – they already have all of the power and wealth, and they devote all of their time and energy to getting more.”

We've seen in the last few weeks of protest that the polarization of Thai society is particularly strong – but as I pondered Sarawut's words, I came to understand that this polarization is actually an increasingly common phenomena around the world. I'll save my thoughts on that for the next blog...

Truly yours,
Ana Shell

protests in Thailand, government supporter, Prime minister, elite class, Thai society, society polarization, Ana shell ] 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013



以色列外交部战略事务司司长Phinas Avivi声称,在竞争中存在着“各种有趣的可能性”。“诀窍就是借助于天然气来解决问题,而不是创造新的麻烦。”
访问 ,详细了解该工艺,马上加入绿色能源技术革命。

[ 以色列的天然气, 富的天然气蕴藏, 进口石油的中东国家, 能源独立, 国外市场, Ana shell, NRGLab 新技术, NRGLab的公司 ]