Tuesday, August 27, 2013


只要进行一些简单的效率升级,您每个月的能源账单就可以减少85%,“自己动手(Do It Yourself)”专家Jeff Wilson说道,他在类似HGTV的电视频道上已经主持过200多期节目。



“使用过的水通过管道流向一根主铜管。淋浴水中的热量会被传输到冷水进水管中。这意味着在淋浴期间,您将减少使用热水箱中的热水。(大约)能减少百分之40的热水。” Wilson解释到。


最后,新型喷涂绝热材料能帮助屋主在冬季让房间保有热量,在夏天又保持凉爽,而能源费用也会全面降低。“自己动手(Do It Yourselfers)”套装售价约为200美元左右。您需要在门框周围、地下室、阁楼——任何您认为可能会出现泄露的地方进行喷涂作业。




全球经济危机, 塞浦路斯银行危, 塞浦路斯银行危机, 德国的腐败, 腐败, NRGlab, nrglab asia, NRGLab Pte Ltd, NRGLab Сингапур, nrglab singapore, sh-box nrglab ]

Ana Shell Media Press presents: the 1 World Music Festival

One of the bright events Ana Shell Media Press is excited to attend is the 1 World Music Festival at the Marina Barrage. Scheduled for September 20th and 21st (Formula One race weekend), the festival showcases international celebrity talents as well as some local and regional acts. Australian artiste Iggy Azalea is set to headline a seriously  deep festival lineup that includes Snoop Dogg, Moby, T-Pain, Tinie Tempah, Far East Movement, Orbital, Infected Mushroom, Kim Kat, Miguel Migs, Amadeus, The Cataracs, Randy Seidman, Sub Focus + ID, Pendulum + Verse and Cosmic Gate, Cobra Starship, and many more!

Local and regional acts include Inquizitive, Kevin Lester, Nicole Chen, Amy van de Beuken, Bangkok Invaders, Aldrin, Dodgy Yamamoto, Akshai Sarin, Shine5, Sezairi Sezali, Roxy June, DJ Benz, Stereo Vixens, Tenashar, Mera Jin, Jon White, MadebyTommy and Andrew T.
The 1 World Music Festival’s motto is “Turn Me On.” Turn me onto new music. New artists. New ideas. New forms of entertainment. They’re pushing the envelope in the music industry. Luckily, Ana Shell will be there first hand to experience all the sights and smells that truly make the difference between reporting the news and engaging an audience in it. 

world music festival, music festival singapore, ana shell media press, ana shell, ana shell killers, ana shell music, ana shell song, Ana Shell Singapore ]

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ana Shell visits Philippines to discuss gasification project

On August 14th, 2013, the Department of Agriculture (Philippines) held a business meeting with Ana Shell, owner of  the Fund known as the ’Territory of Shell’ (www.anashell.com), and NRGLab Company (Singapore) (www.nrglab.asia) in conjunction with Atty. Emerson U. Palad, Undersecretary & Chief of Staff of the Department of Agriculture (Philippines), Manuel Jose C. Regalado, Deputy Executive Director of Philippine Rice Research Institute, Rex L. Bingabing, Executive Director, Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHILMECH), science research specialists of the Department of Energy jointly with Jamie Joseph Q. Castillo.

The Philippines annually produces up to 1.0 billion tons of biomass, which has an energy equivalency of about 200 million tons of LNG (worth $100 billion).

For power purposes, it is technically possible for the Philippines to consume up to 500 million tons of shrub biomass (coconut trees, paddy rice, banana and pineapple waste, mango, etc.) on a yearly basis.

Gasification of 500 million tons of biomass per year has a fuel equivalency of 100 million tons of LNG. Cost recovery of the construction of a power plant from synthetic gas (syngas) is 3 years after the plant’s launch.

Potential use of biomass in the Philippines can help replace coal, gas or oil burned for electricity production. Moreover, carbon dioxide emissions would be cut in half.

One issue that was intensely discussed at the business meeting was NRGLab’s construction of the first gasification plant, using its intellectual turbine at 25 mWh (with a cost of about $25 million).

Feedstock for such a plant would be supplied by Filipino farmers at $25/ton.

One operational year of the plant would require 210,000 tons of agricultural waste (feedstock) at a cost of $5,250,000. From this agricultural feedstock, 215 billion kWh of electricity would be produced. The average selling price of this electricity is $0.12, equivalent to an earnings ratio of $25.8 million.

Follow the link below to learn more about gasification program: http://www.nrglab.asia/projects/gasificationprogram.html

[ gasification project, ana shell, nrglab company, territory of shell, department of agriculture, Atty. Emerson U. Palad, Philippine Rice Research Institute, Manuel Jose C. Regalado, Rex L. Bingabing,  Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization, Department of Energy, Jamie Joseph Q. Castillo, electricity production ]

Sunday, August 18, 2013




俄国已经派出了一支潜艇舰队,前往北极进行考察。据《史密森尼杂志》(Smithsonian Magazine的一名作者Amy Crawford透露,中国将紧随其后。



另一方面,俄国对东北航线实现了100%的控制,这让他们在这场北极石油争夺赛中享有明显的优势,而这些石油,从技术上来说,是“大家有份”的。 Crawford写道:“2007年,他们(俄国人)的确插上了这面象征性的旗帜,他们派出了一艘秘而不宣的微型潜艇,在那里插上了一面钛制国旗。这听起来就像是克里斯托弗·哥伦布剧本里的故事。”



[ 全球经济危机, 塞浦路斯银行危, 塞浦路斯银行危机, 腐败, 德国的腐败, Smithsonian Magazine, Amy Crawford, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, Ana shell, nrglab asia, NRGLab Pte Ltd, sh-box nrglab ]

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The plague could be coming! Global warming to blame

When people hear “global warming,” they usually think melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and superstorms. But did you know that global warming also makes it easier for diseases to spread? That’s right - the next plague could be looming on the horizon. And the last one took millions of lives!

Bacteria and parasites thrive in warmer temperatures, making them somewhat seasonal in a certain parts of the world. But not anymore. Longer summers mean longer lifespans. More contagious diseases. And “there [are] A LOT of diseases,” stresses Sonia Altizer, an associate professor at the University of Georgia. “Especially in natural systems, where there as a pretty clear signal that either the prevalence or severity of those diseases has increased in response to climate change.”

Altizer is co-author of a recently published study on climate trends over the last decade.  She continues:

“So in the arctic, there are parasitic worms that affect muskox and reindeer that are developing faster and becoming more prevalent and expanding their ranges. And then in tropical oceans, like Caribbean coral reefs, there’s a large amount of evidence that has mounted that shows that warming interferes with the symbiosis of corals – makes them more vulnerable to disease and at the same time increases the growth rate of some lethal bacteria.”

So no matter where you live – in a warm climate, or chilly – no one is safe from bacteria. Thankfully, we have studies like Altizer’s to help us prepare for the future.

“Knowing why different pathogens respond differently to climate change is what’s needed to help us predict and ultimately manage disease outbreaks in people and animals and plants,” she says.

Some continents are much more equipped to handle the next plague than others, like North America and Europe, who have “surveillance, vector control, modern sanitation, drugs, and vaccines. [They] can be deployed to prevent outbreaks of a lot of diseases, especially vector borne disease or diarrheal disease that are much more problematic in the developing world. And so these can counter the effects of climate change and make it hard to detect increases in those pathogens,” says Altizer.

“Controlling vectors” refers to controlling parasites like ticks and mosquitos, which have been known to transmit yellow fever and malaria.
In developing countries, a pathogenic outbreak could destroy the agricultural economy. Lost crops. Dead cattle. The livelihoods of farmers and their families are at stake.

How concerned should we be? Well, according to Altizer, the answer isn’t exactly black and white.

“It really depends on the location. Where, when and what pathogen? So I think we’re at a stage now where in the next five to ten years scientists will be able to move towards a predictive framework that will be able to answer questions about where in the world and what pathogens are responding and will continue to respond most strongly to climate change.”

The effects of global warming are unfolding slowly, and should stretch decades, making it crucial to document and analyze data. 

global warming, Sonia Altizer, Ana shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, Anastasia Samoylova, NRGlab, NRGLab Pte Ltd, sh-box nrglab ]

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Beberapa Tips untuk Menghemat Energi!

Anda bisa menghemat hingga 85% tagihan energi bulanan Anda dengan membuat beberapa upgrade efisiensi sederhana, kata Jeff Wilson, ahlinya ‘Do It Yourself’ yang menjadi host lebih dari 200 episode di stasiun seperti HGTV.

Pertama, gantilah bola lampu pijar Anda dengan yang lebih tahan lama, seperti LED, dan sekarang harganya lebih terjangkau .”Lampu LED mempunyai kualitas cahaya yang kuat,” kata Wilson. “Cahaya lampu LED bisa diredupkan, dengan demikian Anda bisa menghemat antara 70 hingga 90% biaya energi Anda. Melalui tempat lampu di langit-langit rumah, bukalah tutup bola lampu, lalu pasang adaptor LED, dan hubungkan ke bagian belakang rumah! Ada empat pegas menahan lampu LED di tempatnya.”

Mungkin banyak dari Anda mungkin sudah bahwa LED ini hemat energi, tapi bisa jadi Anda belum pernah mendengar tentang unit pemulihan panas di saluran-air mandi. Kedengarannya rumit? Tidak sama sekali! Perangkat ini menggunakan kembali panas dari air yang mengalir masuk ke saluran dengan mengumpulkan panas pada kumparan terpisah.

 "Air bekas mandi disalurkan ke sekitar pipa tembaga utama. Panas yang ada dari air mandi ditransfer ke jalur masuk air dingin. Itu berarti Anda akan menggunakan lebih sedikit air panas dari tangki air panas untuk mandi Anda. Ini artinya menghemat (sekitar) 40 persen air panas, " jelas Wilson.

Sistem pemanas dapat dipasang dengan biaya kurang dari $400 dan uang ini bakal kembali kurang dari dua tahun! Jadi keluarkan uang receh Anda sekarang. Simpan uang besar nanti. Dan mandilah dengan air panas beruap!

Terakhir, spray insolator pelapis, yang membantu pemilik rumah menyimpan panas selama musim dingin, menyimpan dingin saat musim panas, dan tagihan energi akan Anda pun bakal berkurang. Kotak ‘Do It Yourself’ tersedia dengan harga sekitar $200.  Semprotkan pelapis di sekitar bingkai pintu, di ruang bawah tanah, di loteng, di mana saja yang menurut Anda ada kebocoran.

Beberapa orang, seperti halnya Wilson, bahkan melapisi seluruh rumah mereka dengan insulator baru ini, menciptakan medan gaya energi! “Ini jauh lebih efektif dibandingkan insulator lain,”katanya. Insulator ini terdiri dari dua tangki yang bercampur bersama. Awalnya basah, dan ketika menjadi kering akan mengembang enam kali lebih besar dari ukuran awalnya dan melembam ketika mengering, jadinya aman. Ketika Anda menyemprotkannya, sebaiknya Anda menggunakan pelindung, namun begitu mengering, bakal menjadi insulator yang efektif dan menjadi menyekat udara.”

Setelah mengikuti tiga tip tersebut di atas, Wilson telah memangkas 85% biaya energi di rumah berumur 70 tahun yang ditempatinya! Tentu saja, Anda tidak perlu seekstrim Wilson. Mengikuti salah satu tip ini saja sudah akan membantu Anda berhemat sekaligus juga mengurangi jejak karbon.

Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Mulailah sekarang! Masih ingin membuang uang begitu saja saat Anda membaca pesan yang benar ini?

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 24 Juni http://anashell.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-few-simple-tips-to-big-energy-savings.html

Menghemat Energi, Jeff Wilson, LED, NRGlab, nrglab asia, NRGLab Pte Ltd, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, SH-box, sh-box nrglab, сheap electricity ]

Tuesday, August 6, 2013










从英文版翻译而来。原文于2013 429http://anashell.blogspot.com/2013/04/global-business-has-turned-consumers.html

[ 全球经济危机, 塞浦路斯银行危机, 塞浦路斯银行危, 德国的腐败, 腐败, NRGlab, ana shell sh-box, nrglab asia, Ana Shell NRGLab, Ana Shell Singapore, NRGLab Pte Ltd ]