Friday, March 29, 2013



从英文版翻译而来。 原文于201328日发表在

[ Ana shell, Ana Shell Singapore, Anastasia Samoylova, global economical crisis, NRGlab, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, 全球经济危机 ]

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Still fighting for big oil?

Don’t think there are still politicians out there indebted to big oil? Think again! This week, the United States Senate finally passed their 2014 federal budget. Senators introduced hundreds of amendments for consideration; however, it was the conservative leaders in particular who introduced amendments that would have drastically undercut climate policies. Coming as no surprise here, these politicians would rather protect their own interests and fight for big oil then protect the public and fight for green energy.

Here’s a list of the 7 most egregious amendments that were NOT included in the budget, but could’ve been if they had past the floor.

  • Blunt #261 would’ve blocked future legislation from imposing a carbon tax to reduce industrial pollution. The amendment would allow any carbon tax measure to be turned down by a three-fifths vote.  And yet, the impacts of global warming have been felt regularly over the past two years.  In 2011 and 2012, the U.S. suffered from 25 climate related storms, heat waves, drought, floods, and wildfires that caused an estimated $188 billion in damages.
  • Inhofe #359 would’ve prevented the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing the Clean Air Act, which regulates pollutant emissions. The EPA proposed the carbon standard for new power plants back in 2012 since power plants are responsible for two-fifths of U.S. carbon pollution.
  • Murkowski #370 would’ve “increased oil and natural gas production on federal lands and waters,” despite oil production operating at its highest level in several decades. In addition, the Congressional Research Service noted that oil production on federal land was up from 2008 despite a rise in fracking operations on nonfederal lands. The problem? Fracking has the potential to pollute wells, poison livestock and create any number of unpredictable ecological problems.
  • Cruz #470 would’ve limited the amount of federally-owned land in each state -- a conservative attempt to hand public property over to private institutions in order to expand drilling operations. The government currently controls 500 million acres of public land which provides two million jobs and over $300 billion in economic stimulus.
  • Coats #514 would’ve made cuts to essential protections guaranteed by the Clean Air Act by authorizing the President to pardon any company from complying with air toxics standards for a two-year period. The amendment would’ve essentially offered a “get-out-of-jail-free” card to coal-burning power plants. What’s the worst that could happen? Well, methyl-mercury from coal pollution accrues in fish, which can poison pregnant women. It can impair brain development in young children, including memory, language, and attention span. By keeping coal-burning power plants up-to-date and under-code, it’s estimated that the Clean Air Act prevents up to 17,000 premature deaths each year.  The EPA concluded that “the value of these (lives) would amount to $37–90 billion per year.”
  • Alexander #516 would’ve repealed the wind production tax credit. This credit of 2.2 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity entices people to invest in wind energy. Over the past century, big oil companies have accepted $80 in support for every $1 towards renewable energy alternatives.
  • Vitter #544 would’ve stripped the President of the authority to protect the nation’s historical landmarks under the Antiquities Act. Since its inception in 1906, the Antiquities Act has protected sites like the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, Muir Woods, Acadia, and Zion.
The world is finally starting to come around to the effects of global warming. However, if you’re waiting for your elected officials to get things done for you, you may be waiting a while. Take a stand against big oil. Fight for clean energy. Fight for the future. Visit for more information on how you can be a force for change.  

[ NRGlab, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, global warming, clean energy, Ana shell, affordable energy, energy alternative, SH-box, NRGLab Pte Ltd ]

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Peranan Kita Dalam Krisis Ekonomi Global

Sudah saatnya kita menyebut krisis ekonomi global dengan sebutan yang lebih tepat, yaitu kematian. Mungkin ini terdengar berlebihan,  namun justru itulah intinya.  Sebagai kelompok manajer dan ilmuwan di NRGLab ( kami sendiri bertanya-tanya, "Bagaimana kita bisa keluar dari kematian ini?" Kami ingin melangkah ke arah stabilitas yang dibangun melalui energi hemat biaya.  Kami ingin agar para pelanggan bergabung bersama kami dalam mewujudkan kestabilan ini dan kesejahteraan bagi setiap orang.  Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk membeli energi dengan harga semurah mungkin tanpa perlu melalui pihak ketiga.

Seluruh dunia harus membayar kehidupan indah yang dinikmati oleh banyak orang saat ini.  Kita harus melunasi pinjaman yang kita ambil untuk membeli energi tidak terbarukan yang dihambur-hamburkan begitu banyaknya. Mabuk dengan kesenangan, kita mengajarkan seluruh dunia cara hidup yang 'benar'. Kita membunuh mereka yang menolak tunduk pada aturan-aturan kita.  Kita ingin mencetak uang dengan cara apa pun, di mana pun, dari warga negara kita sendiri dan negara-negara tetangga kita serta dari warga negara lain yang berada sangat jauh dari kita sekali pun.  Keserakahan adalah motivasi utama kita.  Namun yang terjadi adalah kita semakin terpuruk, jauh dari rasa senang dan tidak mempunyai energi. Siapa yang harus disalahkan kalau sudah begini?

Saya yakin ini adalah kesalahan kita semua. Keserakahan (atau disebut "kemajuan") berasal dari kegelisahan primitif. Manusia itu lemah fisiknya tapi mempunyai daya fantasi yang kuat. Manusia itu bodoh tapi harga dirinya lah yang mengatakan bahwa ia seorang jenius.   Manusia itu kejam tapi dia meyakinkan dirinya jika semua keputusannya dapat dibenarkan.   Manusia itu tidak berdaya tapi melihat dirinya sebagai seorang pahlawan. Manusia perlu energi karena energi membuatnya merasa senang. Manusia merasa dingin dan perlu energi untuk membuatnya merasa hangat.  Manusia takut akan kegelapan sehingga ia mencari perlindungan pada cahaya.  Manusia merasa kurang cerdas sehingga ia membangun komputer pribadinya. Yang dimaksud dengan energi bagi masyarakat sekarang adalah kayu, batu bara, minyak, gas, uranium, dll. Manusia merampok alam untuk meminjamkan energi kepada orang lain. Hanya karena setiap orang memerlukan energi untuk merasa senang, maka orang pun rela untuk membayar, bahkan meskipun mereka terpaksa meminjam untuk itu.

Para kreditor merampok sumber daya alam untuk menjual energi dan bentuk turunannya demi bisa menjadi cepat kaya dan lebih kaya lagi.  Mereka mencoba membodohi orang-orang hanya untuk membuat rencana 'cepat menjadi kaya' yang mereka miliki akan terwujud lebih cepat.  Mereka mengancam, menggertak, memfitnah, melancarkan perang, membunuh dan melanggar HAM hanya untuk membuat orang terus membeli. Masih banyak lagi! Para kreditor membenarkan tindakan mereka dengan berdalih demi tujuan manusiawi dan mulia, tetapi dalam kenyataannya, semua yang mereka lakukan adalah merampok. Mereka menghancurkan dunia dengan dalih "kemajuan".

Ide pemikiran serakah itu sebenarnya sangat sederhana.  Karena ini adalah keyakinan obsesif bahwa selalu ada keuntungan yang bisa diperoleh. Selalu ada lebih banyak lagi. Dari satu dolar berkembang menjadi satu miliar; dari kewajiban satu orang membuat seluruh negeri berutang.  Akibatnya, keuntungan yang berkurang dipandang sebagai kejahatan.  Seluruh peradaban barat dibangun atas dasar keyakinan ini. Para kreditor mempunyai sistem tersendiri yang memperbanyak konsumsi energi secara besar-besaran dan mempropagandakan kekayaan materi. Sistem perekonomian kita didasarkan pada akumulasi energi dan uang yang tak berkesudahan, pada produksi secara terus-menerus dan pertumbuhan produktivitas, pada pasokan dan permintaan yang terus meningkat, dan seterusnya. 
Sekaranglah saatnya kita mengatakan cukup! Hentikan! Saat ini kita menyerukan, "Tidak!" pada perlombaan akumulasi energi ini.  NRGLab mengantarkan energi hemat biaya kepada dunia.  Kami bersedia dan mampu memberikan energi kepada umat manusia dan negara-negara sehingga mereka tidak perlu meminjam lagi.

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris. Artikel asli diterbitkan pada 8 Februari 2013 di

[Ana Shell NRGLab, Ana Shell Singapore, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, Anastasia Samoylova, krisis ekonomi, SH-box, sh-box nrglab, territory of shell]

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Bank Crisis in Cyprus is Only the Beginning

With their banking system in shambles, the country of Cyprus proposed actions Wednesday that would secure the funds necessary to qualify for a bailout. How much is ‘necessary’ you ask? Oh, only €5.8 billion!

The proposition called for the nationalization of state-operated employee pensions as well as an emergency bond auction to help raise the €5.8 billion. This comes only a day after their Parliament rejected a similar bailout package calling for €10 billion. Money would also come from a divisive bank tax, which would hit all deposits of up to €100,000 with a 2% fee. Gone are the days of free and/or affordable banking in Cyprus. Deposits above the 100k threshold would be taxed a whopping 5%!

Meanwhile, the country’s finance minister traveled to Moscow to plead his case for additional economic relief. The Cyprioti banks are suffering as a result of past entanglements in Greece’s economic catastrophe. Since many of Russia’s wealthiest socialites possess accounts in Cyprus, you know they’ll be keeping a watchful eye on the situation as it continues to deteriorate. 

In an effort to protect Cyprus from the international financial sharks that are starting to swarm the waters, the government has declared all bank branches closed until next Tuesday. All accounts have been frozen. What does this mean? It means people don’t have access to their money! It means they can’t pay their bills. They’ll default on loans, knocking over the first domino in the collapse of the European economy. (The rest of the world soon to follow)

Government officials have ordered ATM machines to remain operational and fully-stocked for those who still pay their bills via cash and courier mail. For the thousands of international corporations that already have accounts in Cyprus, this doesn’t help as much. The financial freeze means they can’t transfer money in between accounts, i.e. they can’t do business! And when corporations can’t do business, their stock price drops. When their stock price drops, rounds of employment cuts follow. When unemployment rises, further strain is put on the economy. When will it snap? How many people will be forced out of their jobs and into lines at the ATM before someone does something about it?

The Cyprioti government hopes to agree to terms with the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission on a relief plan by the re-opening of their banks on Tuesday. If the country fails to secure the bailout, “the damage would be enormous, and (they) would be at risk of collapse,” an undisclosed European official told the New York Times. Cyprus may even consider leaving the euro currency base altogether. According to that same official, the move would “spur chaos.”  

As countries hop from economic crisis to economic crisis, perhaps it’s time we rethought the system entirely. Instead of investing in gold and silver, perhaps clean-energy represents the future of a reliable, interdependent, globalized economy. Energy will always be in demand. If a capable, renewable source were introduced to the market, imagine the investment potential. Imagine the cultural potential.

The SH-box by NRGLab generates renewable, low-cost electricity from all-natural heat. Want to learn more? Visit and read how you can break away from the bank, before breaking it.  

[NRGLab, NRGLab Singapore, NRGLab Pte Ltd, Ana Shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, NRGLab auction, SH-box, affordable energy, cheap electricity, crystal technology, energy, energy alternative, NRGLab Company, Anastasia Samoylova, Anastasia Samoylova NRGLab, Singapore NRGLab Pte. Ltd., Singapore NRGLab Company, banking system, Cyprus, crisis, crisis Cyprus ]

Thursday, March 21, 2013

NRGLab Feb.5 Auction Report

We had such an interesting and fun event at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore. At the beginning of the evening we asked everyone a question - whether our guests would like to see the extreme tests of our SH-boxes and cells. And we heard from all of them: "Yes", "Yes", "Yes". At the request of many participants, who wanted to have more time for Due Diligence, we agreed to postpone the Auction to April. You can follow the latest news and events on our website (

Pop star Mika Newton performed throughout the evening. A presentation on the Singapore electricity market was made by Mr. John Lee of Solbing Filippi Consulting. Roger Lee gave a marketing presentation. There were many questions from the audience. Ana Shell covered highlights of the legal issues by arrangement with TSMP law corporation. Our Singapore partner Mr. Chan involved in SH-6 pod production discussed our cooperation and machining process.

After this, with the help of our volunteer Zac, we have demonstrated the process of making our power cells in front of a group of potential licensees.

Moving now to the second part of the evening, we went to our offices in the production area. We brought champagne and Coca Cola with us to continue the celebration and conduct some extreme tests on our SH-6 cells.

[NRGLab, NRGLab Singapore, NRGLab Pte Ltd, Ana Shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, NRGLab auction, SH-box, affordable energy, cheap electricity, crystal technology, energy, energy alternative, NRGLab Company, Anastasia Samoylova, Anastasia Samoylova NRGLab, Singapore NRGLab Pte. Ltd., Singapore NRGLab Company ]

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Our role in global economical crisis

It’s time to call the economic global crisis by its rightful name – death. That may sound harsh, but it’s meant to convey a point. As a group of managers and scientists at NRGLab (, we ask ourselves: “How can we escape this death?” We want to move towards stability, which is built on cost-efficient energy. We want our customers to join us in building this kind of stability and personal wellbeing. We’re giving them an opportunity to buy energy at the lowest possible price without the need for a third party.
Ana Shell

Now, the whole world has to pay for the beautiful lives people have enjoyed. We need to pay off the loans we took out to buy non-renewable energy, which we wasted so enthusiastically. Intoxicated with happiness, we taught the entire world how to live ‘right’. We killed those who refused to follow our rules. We wanted to make money on everything, everywhere, from our citizens and neighbors, and from citizens of countries far, far away. Greed was the main motivator. We ended up with no happiness and no energy. Whose fault is that?

I believe we are all to blame. Greed (or so called “progress”) was birthed by primitive insecurity. Man is physically weak, but strong in his fantasies. Man is foolish, but his pride tells him he’s a genius. Man is cruel, but he has convinced himself that all of his decisions can be justified. Man is helpless, but sees himself as a hero. Man needs energy, because energy makes him happy. Man gets cold and he needs energy to feel warm. Man is afraid of darkness – so he seeks the sanctuary of light. Man is lacking in intelligence – so he builds the personal computer. In our current society, energy is wood, coal, oil, gas, uranium, etc. People rob nature in order to loan energy out to others. And because everybody needs energy to feel happy, people are willing to pay for it -- even if they’re forced to borrow.

Lenders rob nature and sell energy and its derivatives to get wealthier, and wealthier. They try to make fools out of people just to make their ‘get-rich-quick’ schemes that much quick. They threaten, intimidate blackmail, wage war, kill, and violate human rights in order to make people buy more. More! These lenders justify their actions with claims of humane and noble goals, but in reality, all they do is rob. They destroy the world while promising, “Progress.”

The idea of greed is quite simple. It’s an obsessive belief that there’s always something to be gained. There’s always more. Grow one dollar into a billion; one individual obligator into an entire country in debt. Consequently, lack of gain is seen as evil. The whole western civilization is built upon these beliefs. Creditors have their own systems that propagate larger energy consumption and advertise material wealth. Our economic system is based on never-ending accumulation of energy and money, on constant production and productivity growth, on ever-increasing supply and demand, and so on and so forth.

We are now saying enough! Stop! We’re now crying, “No!” to this energy accumulation race. NRGLab brings cost-efficient energy to the world. We are willing and able to give enough energy to people and countries so they’ll never have to borrow it again.