Monday, April 29, 2013

Global business has turned consumers into zombies

Global business has always coincided with expansion, and every day, businesses are looking for new markets. These markets are often found in average households since war has lost economic profitability. World leaders have given up on economic collaboration in favor of living under mutually assured destruction. ( So if they won’t work together, how will global business survive?

In 1981, American President Ronald Reagan signed a law allowing consumers to consolidate their debt, i.e. take out new loans to pay off old ones. A wave of mass advertising followed motivating the population to take out loans for goods they couldn’t afford.

Businesses began convincing households to take out more and more loans, and then worry about consolidating them later. Mobile carriers created an artificial need for non-stop communication. Pharmaceutical companies urged patients to swallow pills for every single little symptom. Clothing manufacturers enticed people to buy a new wardrobe every season.  Practically everyone took out a bank loan in order to buy something they didn’t need, essentially handing their hard-earned money right back to the bank.

Marketing became a very powerful tool. Studies have proven that emotions, words and images have the ability to persuade consumers to buy, buy, BUY! Why wasn’t there marketing in the 19th century? Because back then, real goods supplied real demand. There was no illusion of “want.” There was only what you needed to survive.

Rationality, critical thinking, and scientific knowledge are the enemies of global business. They prevent consumers from taking out unnecessary loans and, hence, hinder economic expansion. That’s why, about thirty years ago, businesses came together to create the ideal consumer - stripped of rationality and the ability to think for him or herself.

That ideal consumer is now here. In fact, they’re everywhere! They’re life-loving fools guided purely by emotions and novel cravings. Gluttons in between fad diets. They’re cheerful, positive, dynamic, and chomping at the bit to buy the “latest and greatest” whatever. Worst of all, they’re ignorant of their own zombie-like behavior!

The mass media has slowly bred this ideal consumer over time. Radio spots. TV commercials. Product placement in movies. It starts early by attracting school children with cartoons and comics, and then transitions into adulthood with subscription magazines that skew people’s perception of the world. They advertise expensive clothing and accessories. Perfumes and colognes. Watches. Purses. Everything a person needs to be “beautiful” and “happy.”

NRGLab sends business proposals out to corporate managers across the globe, but unfortunately, nine times out of ten they end up in the hands of a low-level stooge incapable of recognizing the vast profit potential in front of them. They’re lazy and unmotivated. They couldn’t care less about their company, country, or even their own future, let alone the future of the planet. “Who cares about environmentally-friendly energy?” Basically, if it isn’t a flashy new smartphone or free iPhone app, it’s difficult to get people’s attention.  
Unlike corporate managers in established countries, managers in developing countries are more open-minded. They’re able to see the benefits of our business proposal. They haven’t fallen prey to that consumer mentality. They’re still rational and alive with their own heritage and culture. Fairly soon, however, industrial and commercial centers will emerge in these developing countries. What will happen then? Will they be prepared for “progress?”

[ Ana Shell NRGLab, Ana shell, ana shell sh-box, crystal technology, NRGLab auction, sh-box nrglab, SH-box, NRGLab Сингапур ]

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Krisis Perbankan di Siprus Itu Baru Permulaan Saja

Dengan berantakannya sistem perbankan di Siprus, negara ini mengusulkan melakukan aksi hari Rabu untuk mendapatkan dana yang diperlukan sebagai dana talangan (bailout). Berapa banyak yang ‘diperlukan’? Oh, hanya 5,8 miliar euro saja!

Usulan tersebut menyerukan untuk melakukan nasionalisasi pensiun pegawai negeri dan lelang obligasi darurat guna mengumpulkan uang sebesar 5,8 miliar euro.  Hal ini terjadi sehari setelah Parlemen menolak paket dana talangan (bailout) serupa sebesar 10 miliar euro. Uang akan dikumpulkan dari pajak bank - yang rentan menimbulkan perselisihan - karena akan dikenakan pada semua deposito yang bernilai hingga 100.000 euro sebesar 2%. Tamatlah sudah surga industri perbankan yang gratis dan terjangkau di Siprus. Semua deposito yang jumlahnya di atas 100K akan dikenakan pajak hingga 5%!

 Sementara itu, sang menteri keuangan Siprus terbang ke Moskow untuk memohon bantuan atas krisis yang melanda negaranya. Bank-bank Siprus menderita akibat dari keterlibatan mereka saat bencana keuangan menghantam Yunani di masa lalu. Karena banyak sosialita terkaya Rusia yang mempunyai rekening di Siprus, maka wajar saja jika mereka akan mengawasi keadaan dengan ketat sebagai antisipasi  atas situasi mungkin  memburuk.

Dalam upaya melindungi Siprus dari incaran  sekumpulan ‘hiu’ keuangan internasional yang mulai berkerumun di sekitar perairan, pemerintah telah menyatakan bahwa seluruh bank-bank cabang ditutup hingga hari Selasa depan. Semua rekening dibekukan. Apa artinya semua ini? Artinya semua orang tidak mempunyai akses terhadap uang mereka sendiri! Artinya mereka tidak punya uang untuk membayar tagihan-tagihan mereka. Mereka tidak akan bisa membayar pinjaman mereka, bak kartu domino pertama yang jatuh dalam runtuhnya perekonomian Eropa (dan seluruh dunia pun akan menyusul).

Para pejabat pemerintah telah memerintahkan agar semua ATM tetap beroperasi dan tetap terisi penuh bagi yang masih harus membayar tagihan-tagihan secara tunai maupun melalui pos. Bagi ribuan perusahaan internasional yang mempunyai rekening di Siprus, hal ini tentu saja tidak banyak membantu. Pembekuan keuangan artinya mereka tidak dapat melakukan transfer dana antar rekening alias tidak bisa menjalankan bisnis! Jika perusahaan-perusahaan tidak dapat menjalankan bisnis mereka, artinya harga saham-saham mereka pun anjlok. Bila harga saham anjlok, maka pengurangan jumlah karyawan pun tak dapat dihindari. Dan bila angka pengangguran meningkat, tekanan selanjutnya adalah di sektor ekonomi. Kapan keadaan ini akan terjadi? Berapa banyak orang yang terpaksa akan kehilangan pekerjaan mereka dan berbaris di depan ATM mereka sebelum seseorang berbuat sesuatu untuk mengatasi keadaan ini?   

Pemerintah Siprus berharap untuk menyetujui kesepakatan dengan Dana Moneter Internasional, Bank Sentral Eropa, dan Komisi Eropa terhadap rencana bantuan dengan membuka kembali bank-bank mereka pada hari Selasa. Apabila Siprus gagal untuk mendapatkan dana talangan (bailout), maka “kerusakan yang diakibatkan akan sangat besar, dan (mereka) berisiko untuk kolaps”, kata seorang Pejabat Eropa kepada New York Times. Siprus bahkan mungkin berpikir untuk keluar dari zona euro. Masih menurut pejabat yang sama, tindakan ini akan “memicu kekacauan”. 

Berbagai negara saling berpacu dari satu krisis ekonomi ke krisis ekonomi lainnya, mungkin inilah saatnya kita memikirkan kembali keseluruhan sistem yang ada. Alih-alih berinvestasi pada emas dan perak, energi bersih mungkin bisa mewakili ekonomi global yang dapat diandalkan dan saling bergantung. Selalu ada permintaan akan energi. Bila sumber energi yang bagus dan terbarukan diperkenalkan ke pasaran, bayangkan saja potensi investasinya. Bayangkan juga potensi budayanya.

SH-box dari NRGLab menghasilkan listrik berbiaya murah dari semua sumber panas alami yang terbarukan. Ingin mengetahuinya lebih lanjut? Silakan kunjungi dan bacalah bagaimana cara Anda bisa melepaskan diri dari bank sebelum terlambat.  

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris. Artikel asli diterbitkan pada 25 Maret 2013 di

[NRGLab, NRGLab Singapore, NRGLab Pte Ltd, Ana Shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, NRGLab auction, SH-box, affordable energy, cheap electricity, crystal technology, energy, energy alternative, NRGLab Company, Anastasia Samoylova, Anastasia Samoylova NRGLab, Singapore NRGLab Pte. Ltd., Singapore NRGLab Company, banking system, Cyprus, crisis, crisis Cyprus ]

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Not so fracking fast

According to an American study performed by the University of California-Berkeley, their home state needs to crack down on hydraulic fracturing practices, aka “fracking.”
Fracking consist of injecting highly-pressurized, CHEMICALLY-LACED fluids into the Earth in order to break up sedimentary rock and get to the sweet, sweet oil and gas underneath.  Recently, New York and Pennsylvania have seen spikes in fracking operations. Oil and gas companies are buying up more and more private properties and farmlands hoping to maximize their return on these “financial investments.”
What these companies fail to realize is that the land they’re buying isn’t just an investment – it’s someone’s home. Someone’s memories. A part of someone’s family. Fracking runs the risk of contaminating the groundwater. Killing livestock. Crops. Livelihoods!
Published by the UC-Berkeley Center for Law, Energy and the Environment, the study claims that state regulators are ill-prepared to deal with the influx of fracking operations.
“Hydraulic fracturing presents risks to our environment and human health, and must be properly regulated and controlled,” the study said. “(We’ve) identified several areas where the state’s knowledge base and existing regulatory scheme are deficient.”
Big businesses are constantly scouring law books for legislative loop holes. Luckily, the state of California is taking a stand by considering new fracking regulations, such as:
  1. Requiring oil and gas companies to provide officials with at least 30 days' advance notice before opening new operations.
  2. Requiring companies to disclose the exact chemicals they use.
  3. Requiring tests to determine the environmental integrity of sites prior to start up.
  4. Prohibiting fracking near at-risk fault lines. (Seems like common sense, no? Earthquakes = bad)

Think California, New York, or Pennsylvania is too far away to have any effect on you? Your state, your country might be next.

Fracking operations represent a clear and present danger to our environment. Yes – domestic fracking may seem like an alluring alternative to importing foreign oil, yet the risks don’t outweigh the benefits. Would you trade reliable drinking water for a few extra dollars in your pocket?

NRGLab thinks it would be nice to live in a world where we don’t have to sacrifice our environment for energy dependency. That’s why we developed a practical and cost-effective alternative to fossil fuels: the SH-box. It’s a generator capable of producing electricity for $0.03 per kWh. That’s cutting costs by over a third! Not only that, the SH-box is powered by a poly-crystalline core that’s natural, emission-free, and has a battery life of up to 20 years!

Want to know more? Of course you do! Visit to learn when and where our next auction will be held, and how you can help but an end to fracking once and for all.   

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



该提议呼吁将国营企业职工养老金国有化同时紧急进行债券拍卖以便筹得58亿欧元。而就在前一天该国议会才否决了一项类似的救助方案该救助方案要求筹集100亿欧元。 款项同样将来自一项有争议的银行税规定所有超过100,000欧元的存款都要缴纳2%的费用。塞浦路斯拥有自由和/或经济实惠的银行业的美好时光已经一去不复返了。总有一天10万以上的存款征税将高达5%






从英文版翻译而来。 原文于2013325日发表在 

[NRGLab, NRGLab Singapore, NRGLab Pte Ltd, Ana Shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, NRGLab auction, SH-box, affordable energy, cheap electricity, crystal technology, energy, energy alternative, NRGLab Company, Anastasia Samoylova, Anastasia Samoylova NRGLab, Singapore NRGLab Pte. Ltd., Singapore NRGLab Company, banking system, Cyprus, crisis, crisis Cyprus, 塞浦路斯银行危机 ]

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Save Your Money

         Today, there is a lot of talking about financial and economic crisis. A lot has been written about the reasons that forced International Monetary Fund, (IMF) and European Union (EU) to carry out a confiscatory reform in Cyprus. Some of the issues in this reform are critically important. One of the main questions is: who initiated such a reform?

         The European Union is one of the organizations functioning according to regulations defined by the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. EU is one of the most powerful organizations in the world; however, it is not authorized to change the existing legislation. Especially when this legislation deals with the sacred right to private property. In spite of the fact that property rights are being breached left and right, there are always legitimate excuses to why these violations are exceptions to the rules. An example of such violation can be confiscation of funds that are not convenient to the powerful of the world. It is very likely that IMF was involved in the Cyprus story; otherwise, EU would not have made such scandalous moves.

         Lets look further. Why did IMF allow such a gross violation of its own fundamental rules? The answer is simple: this kind of step makes sense only if all attempts to save the current bank system are futile. Assets of the current bank system are devalued, while liabilities are fully intact. In other words, it is impossible to return funds to clients, so the only question that matters is how to write off all the expenses. If this is true, Cyprus might as well be a pilot project carried out to see what the reaction would be and how strong the resistance might appear.

         It is very possible such confiscatory reforms might be repeated in other countries as well. However, Anglo-Saxon countries, which are closer to the financial center of the world, are more open and free. New Zealand and Canada, for instance, are openly talking in their budget discussions about the possibility to bail out problematic banks at depositors expense.  So no one should have any illusions about safety of their bank deposits (now that the confiscatory reform becomes an integral part of the economic crisis).

         After the mortgage and the financial crises, we are witnessing the economic crisis. Many experts start to understand that this crisis will be absolutely global. Please note that the problems we had before had not disappeared. The mortgage and the financial crises still exist; they just became a part of the bigger economic crisis. Just like this economic crisis will very soon become a part of the world culture crisis.

         Who can influence the way this world culture crisis develops? The leaders of this culture can. We think that everyone needs to contribute in order to help those suffered from the world culture crisis. We have developed a program to visit countries of South-East Asia to talk to people face to face. We hope for productive collaboration and partnership. Unfortunately, we cannot influence the global crisis of the world culture, and our abilities to affect long-term development of the world culture are limited; however, we will strive to work productively. We will offer specific solutions, which will allow people to be a part of our community. We are together in this and we will win!

[ Ana shell, NRGlab, SH-box, NRGLab Сингапур, nrglab singapore, сheap electricity, save money, economic crisis, crisis Cyprus, international monetary fund ]