Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Fighting the arms trade with non-violence

As I write this, news is just coming in from the West Midlands area of England about an important, but rather under-the-radar trial that has been taking place for the past two days. Last year, five activists blockaded the main entrance to the Excel Docklands in London during the biennial Defence Security Equipment International (DSEI) arms fair. The activists are all Christians (one of them a minister), and they acted completely non-violently at all times, simply kneeling down in prayer and singing hymns. Meanwhile, inside the DSEI, hundreds of companies were competing to sell weapons, explosives, armoured vehicles and more to the many government representatives who attend. The difference between the two groups couldn’t be more clear, and yet it was the activists who came off worse in this particular battle between non-violence and the state – they were arrested and charged with aggravated trespass.
Today, they have been declared ‘not guilty’ by the judge at Stafford magistrates court. Admittedly, they appear to have only been let free on a technicality – police instructions for them to leave were not clear or detailed enough, so they couldn’t have been expected to fully comply – but this is still a victory of sorts. The activists were allowed to put forward their argument about the legitimacy of their tactics in a court of law, and the police – as ever – appear either duplicitous or foolish. At NRGLab and the Ana Shell Fund we applaud the five for standing up for their beliefs and risking up to three months in jail to make their point.
But what really stands out about this trial is the double standards and hypocrisy of justice in supposedly ‘free and fair’ countries like the UK. One of the defendants’ arguments hinged around an interesting side event at the 2013 DSEI, in which two companies were expelled from the convention. They were expelled because they were promoting the sale of weapons which are illegal under British law. The French company Magforce International and the Chinese firm Tianjin Myway were kicked out of DSEI for selling electric shock projectiles, stun batons, and weighted leg cuffs. DSEI only took action after the Green Member of Parliament Caroline Lucas raised a question in the British parliament about rumours that these companies were selling such items at the fair.
Yet despite the illegal actions of the two companies, and the relaxed initial response of DSEI, nobody involved with the arms fair was charged with anything. The crimes of those companies that peddle stun batons and shock missiles seems far greater than that of five calm and studious people kneeling down in the road outside, and yet it is only the latter who feel the force of the state and its police come down on them. Even now, as mentioned above, they are only free because of a technicality. If the police had been better at their jobs, the peaceful activists might well be in jail this evening while Magforce and Myway continue to go about their business – a business which is based on oppression and violence against the disenfranchised and poor.
The priorities of the state are clear – and this is not just the British state, although that happens to be where this story is set. If you try to defend the helpless, those who have nothing, those whose homes are being destroyed by missiles, whose lives are being taken by guns, and whose freedom is being undermined through weighted leg cuffs and the like, you are potentially a criminal. If you contribute to that very situation – if you make the leg cuffs, the missiles, the guns, the weapons of torture – you’re fine, free to carry on as you please, as long as you keep bringing in the profit for the politicians and shareholders. Non-violent protestors are dangerous, while companies whose entire business model is built on violence are upstanding citizens. This backwards ideology is at the very heart of our globalized, neoliberal culture today, and we should all be working like those five activists to stand against it.
2013 DSEI, activists blockade ExCel Centre, activists blockade main entrance to Excel Docklands, ana shell fund, ana shell media, ana shell media press, armoured vehicles sale, arms fair, Arms Fair protesters, biennial Defence Security Equipment International arms fair, British law, British parliament, business model, Caroline Lucas, charged with aggravated trespass, declared not guilty, double standards, DSEI arms fair, DSEi arms fair venue blockaded, electric shock projectiles, Excel Docklands in London, fighting the arms trade, free and fair countries, government representatives who attend, Green Member of Parliament, hypocrisy of justice, illegal actions, London Docklands ExCel centre, Magforce International, non-violence, non-violent protestors, nrglab, police instructions, profit for politicians, profit for shareholders, protest in London, sale of weapons, sell explosives, sell weapons, shock missiles, Stafford magistrates court, stun batons, Tianjin Myway, under-the-radar trial, weighted leg cuffs, West Midlands area

Sunday, February 23, 2014







显然,这种情况涉及到了环境的不公正,为了现代资本主义社会的利益,加拿大原住民的土地在贬值、退化、被破坏。第一民族已经失去了他们的土地、生计、自力更生的能力,甚至于还失去了他们的未来。这一切都是为了什么呢?为了一个牺牲多数人、让少数人获益的工业消费社会。然而,在NRGLab Ana Shell Fund,我们希望看到截然不同的情况——我们希望能看到环境公正的实现,各群体的权利都能得到同样的尊重。我们的目标是找到创新的解决方案,解决这类情况抛出的问题——如果您有能力、有热情助我们一臂之力,就请赶快联系我们吧。

原文于 18, http://anashell.blogspot.com/2014/01/chemical-valley-or-death-valley.html

[ 化学谷, 死亡谷, 感恩节, 哥伦布日, 第一民族, NRGLab, Ana Shell Fund, Ana Shell, 经济体制 ]

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Apakah Mereka yang Miskin adalah Penjahat yang Sebenarnya?

Kriminalisasi warga miskin merupakan salah satu aspek paling merusak dari masyarakat kapitalis modern yang semakin sering kita lihat saat ini. Kenyataan ini sebenarnya bukan sesuatu yang baru, setidaknya terjadi juga pada masa revolusi industri. Berdasarkan argumentasi antara kaum kapitalis dan kaum buruh, serikat buruh dikembangkan sebagai cara para pekerja untuk memaksimalkan potensi mereka guna mendapatkan keuntungan.   Mereka diperlakukan sebagai sampah masyarakat, disebut sebagai komunis dan kerap kali diserang oleh polisi dan orang bayaran - bahkan hal ini masih berlangsung hingga saat ini, gerakan serikat pekerja di barat adalah bayangan suram keadaan seratus tahun silam. Di sisi lain, upaya-upaya kaum kapitalis untuk memaksimalkan potensi memperoleh keuntungan dengan cara mengurangi upah, meningkatkan jam kerja, dan mengabaikan peraturan-peraturan keselamatan kerja, hampir selalu mendapatkan dukungan pemerintah, baik secara implisit maupun eksplisit dengan cara meloloskan UU yang pro-perusahaan.

George Monbiot dalam kolomnya di koran The Guardian baru-baru ini kembali membahas sarana penindasan legal lain yang dapat segera digunakan oleh pemerintah terhadap warga miskin, yaitu IPNAs (Injunctions to Prevent Nuisance or Annoyance) atau perintah pengadilan untuk mencegah gangguan. Perintah pengadilan ini dapat dikenakan kepada siapa saja terhadap tindakan yang dianggap hakim dapat menyebabkan 'gangguan' terhadap orang lain.
 Mengulangi tindakan tersebut setelah dikeluarkannya surat perintah pengadilan dapat mengakibatkan hukuman penjara dua tahun, sekalipun tindakan tersebut biasanya tidak dianggap sebagai kejahatan. Seperti yang ditulis Monbiot, perintah pengadilan ini tidak akan digunakan untuk melawan mereka yang 'terhormat' yang membuat onar atau memblokir trotoar di depan bar minuman anggur atau gedung opera. Perintah pengadilan ini akan digunakan melawan para suporter sepak bola, demonstran, orang-orang muda yang dianggap berisik atau mengancam, dan para tunawisma yang mencari tempat untuk tidur. Dengan kata lain, perintah pengadilan ini akan digunakan untuk mengubah orang yang sudah miskin menjadi penjahat juga.

Tunawisma, yang berada di strata paling bawah dalam masyarakat kita sudah pasti sangat rentan terhadap kriminalisasi. Pada akhir tahun lalu kota Los Angeles mulai mempertimbangkan undang-undang baru yang melarang membeli makan tunawisma di tempat-tempat umum; pada dasarnya melarang dapur umum, dan menghapus salah satu kenyamanan kecil yang dimiliki warga miskin ini. Philadelphia, Raleigh, dan Orlando, adalah beberapa kota yang telah memiliki undang-undang serupa. Semua ini adalah bagian dari upaya untuk menyingkirkan para tunawisma dengan membuat aturan bahwa tidur di luar rumah, meminta-minta, atau bahkan mendapatkan akses terhadap makanan adalah merupakan tindakan kriminal...

Lalu, apa yang akan dicapai dari semua itu? Mirip dengan pemberangusan serikat pekerja di awal abad ke-20, kriminalisasi orang miskin bukan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan tingkat kehidupan orang-orang yang berada di bagian bawah piramida sosial kita, melainkan mereka yang berada di puncak piramida. Hal ini mengekalkan gambaran si kaya-kelas yang dilindungi di satu sisi, dan kelompok si miskin yang terus-menerus miskin dan teraniaya di sisi lain. Ini merupakan upaya untuk mencegah solidaritas kelas di antara sesama mereka yang menjadi miskin karena pemotongan upah, pengangguran, dan pengurangan jaminan sosial dengan cara menandai sebagian dari mereka sebagai 'penjahat' yang harus dipandang rendah daripada dibantu.
Alih-alih semakin merusak harapan kalangan termiskin dalam masyarakat, sudah saatnya untuk mengriminalisasikan perbuatan-perbuatan yang benar-benar membahayakan – seperti spekulasi di Wall Street, penjualan kredit subprima yang menyebabkan krisis keuangan, dan penggalian, pengeboran, serta melakukan rekah hidrolik (fracking) terus-menerus untuk mendapatkan batu bara, minyak, dan gas. Hal seperti ini akan mendatangkan kebaikan bagi seluruh lapisan dalam masyarakat kita, bukan hanya kepada segelintir minoritas yang diuntungkan oleh undang-undang yang ada saat ini.

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 4.02: http://anashell.blogspot.com/2014/02/are-poor-real-criminals.html

kriminalisasi warga miskin, masyarakat kapitalis modern, revolusi industri, George Monbiot, The Guardian, IPNAs, Tunawisma, Los Angeles, Ana shell ]

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Capturing the future for fossil fuels

A few years ago, one of the big new hopes for the extractive and fossil fuel industries was the technology of carbon capture and storage (CCS). The aim is very simple, and encapsulated fairly well in the name – to capture the carbon that is released from otherwise polluting power plants, and to store it in porous rocks underground. Despite generating quite a buzz during the Copenhagen climate change conference back in 2009, things have been quiet for CCS for a few years – originally because the world was still trying to commit itself to renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, and more recently because we’ve become obsessed with new and more difficult to extract forms of those same fossil fuels, such as tar sands and fracked natural gas. However, things may be getting back on track for CCS – a recent report in The Guardian suggested that the British CCS industry alone could be worth £35 billion by 2030. Extrapolate that too much bigger countries like the US and China, and countries with similar or growing levels of emissions like Germany, Japan, Canada, and Australia, and the amount of money at stake could be utterly astronomical.

Initially, CCS actually sounds like a pretty decent idea. If we have the technology to capture our emissions and store them somewhere safe, away from the earth’s atmosphere where they are causing so much damage, why shouldn’t we do it? After all, we can’t switch immediately from fossil fuels to a completely renewable energy economy, so we’ll have to do something to cope in the meantime, right? Unfortunately, there’s a couple of sets of problems with this – practical problems, and theoretical problems. On the practical side of things is the fact that CCS doesn’t actually get rid of the emissions, it just buries them – out of sight, out of mind. An unforeseen leakage, a natural disaster like an earthquake, the ground being dug up for some reason – any of these things could easily see the carbon released back into the atmosphere, completely negating any benefits that CCS might have temporarily provided.
But perhaps more important are the theoretical problems, the ways in which CCS provides us with the wrong mindset to approach the problems of the coming century. Essentially, CCS is not just a way of dealing with the inevitable problems of fossil fuels while we switch over to a renewable economy. CCS is a crutch on which to prop up the existing fossil fuel system in order to avoid switching to renewable energy. Once the carbon is buried in the ground, politicians will claim the problem is solved, and there’s no need to do anything to help develop new, efficient, or renewable technologies – a position which, of course, helps their friends and funders in the fossil fuel industry.
The fossil fuel industry will continue to be privileged, and the other issues around fuel extraction will be ignored. The destruction that comes to communities where fracking is taking place; the impact of tar sands developments on Canadian First Nations; the upcoming problem of peak oil; the continued wars in the Middle East in the name of resource grabbing – all of these things will be pushed to the side and ignored in the name of continued profit if CCS allows us to make oil, gas, and coal seem ‘green’. This would be a terrible shame – fossil fuels are perhaps the most destructive substance on earth today, and it’s absolutely vital that the kind of work we do at NRGLab to develop efficiencies and alternatives isn’t ignored in favour of keeping the existing, damaging economic status quo.

ana shell media, ana shell media press, British CCS industry, Canadian First Nations, capture emissions, carbon capture, carbon capture and storage, CCS, climate change, climate change conference, Copenhagen climate change conference, damaging economic status quo, dealing with inevitable problems, destructive substance NRGLab, earth's atmosphere, energy economy, extractive industry, fossil fuel industry, fossil fuel system, fossil fuels, fracked natural gas, fuel extraction, get rid of emissions, levels of emissions, natural disaster, peak oil, polluting power plants, porous rocks, power plants, practical problems, renewable energy, renewable energy economy, renewable technologies, resource grabbing, switching to renewable energy, technology of carbon capture and storage, The Guardian, theoretical problems, unforeseen leakage, wars in the Middle East

Thursday, February 13, 2014







原文于 123, http://anashell.blogspot.com/2014/01/fracking-our-way-to-disaster.html
水力压裂, 油和天然气井, 新能源技, 水污, nrglab, Ana Shell Fund, Gasland ]

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Penjara demi Keuntungan Materi - Rencana Kotor Korporasi Model Baru

Kita menyaksikan banyak hal sedang terjadi di dunia melalui berita dalam beberapa minggu terakhir ini, sehingga sulit untuk tetap memantau berbagai eksploitasi dan penindasan yang semakin meningkat yang terjadi berbagai belahan dunia. Namun, ada sebuah berita beberapa bulan lalu yang menarik perhatian saya saat ini - berita ini hampir tidak diberitakan oleh media besar pada waktu itu, meskipun termasuk jenis berita yang mengusik  kita semua.

Beritanya menyangkut seorang hakim Amerika bernama Mark Ciavarella  dari Pennsylvania.  Awal tahun ini pengadilan memerintahkan dia untuk membayar $ 1,2 juta sebagai kompensasi kepada para korbannya. Lalu, apa kejahatan yang dilakukannya? Menjual anak ke kompleks industri penjara. Ciavarella dan seorang hakim lain, Michael Conahan, dinyatakan bersalah karena menerima uang tunai jutaan dolar  dari  orang yang membangun sebuah penjara remaja swasta di Pennsylvania, sebagai ganti untuk mencari anak-anak muda yang bersalah atas kejahatan yang dituduhkan kepada mereka. Ciavarella memutarbalikkan proses peradilan sehingga mempersulit anak-anak ini untuk membela diri, menolak hak-hak hukum mereka, dan mengirim anak-anak berumur sekecil 10 tahun ke penjara-penjara swasta, seringkali hanya karena kejahatan yang sangat kecil.

Hal ini jelas sangat memuakkan.  Tetapi para pendukung sistem pidana kita saat ini akan mengatakan bahwa itu hanya ulah segelintir oknum saja, tidak terjadi secara sistematis. Sebenarnya, hal ini jauh lebih serius daripada itu. Penjara milik pribadi menjadi lebih umum di seluruh dunia - Penjara ini adalah penjara yang dibangun oleh pengembang dan perusahaan keamanan, yang dirancang untuk memberikan keuntungan materi bagi perusahaan yang menjalankannya. Keuntungannya didapat dari pemerintah yang membayarkan sejumlah uang kepada mereka untuk setiap tahanan yang berada di penjara mereka.  Ini berarti penjara swasta memiliki dua kepentingan utama - memasukkan orang sebanyak mungkin ke penjara, dan menghabiskan uang sesedikit mungkin untuk mengurus tahanan mereka (dengan kualitas makanan yang buruk, petugas keamanan yang lebih sedikit, kegiatan tahanan yang lebih sedikit, dan sebagainya). Semakin berhasil mereka melakukan dua hal ini, semakin banyak keuntungan yang mereka peroleh.

Hal ini menjadi masalah karena sistem penjara pada umumnya menggunakan cara yang memastikan bahwa mereka yang kuat tetap berkuasa, dan mereka yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa tetap ditindas. Peluang Anda dikirim ke penjara jauh lebih tinggi jika Anda miskin dibandingkan jika Anda kaya, dan dalam beberapa kasus hanya karena berada dalam kemiskinan  menjadi alasan untuk mengirim seseorang ke penjara - pikirkan para tunawisma yang dilaporkan karena mereka masuk tanpa izin, atau meminta uang dari orang yang lewat secara ilegal. Sistem politik dan ekonomi kita telah merenggut banyak hal dari masyarakat kita- mereka telah kehilangan rumah, pekerjaan, uang, dan bahkan kehilangan kebebasan mereka sekarang. Tetapi,apa alasannya? Supaya para pengembang swasta - mereka yang berada di puncak piramida ekonomi kita - dapat menghasilkan lebih banyak uang.

Ciavarella dan rekan-rekannya adalah salah satu contoh terburuk kasus eksploitasi ini - merenggut kehidupan orang lain demi keuntungan materi. Namun, ini hanyalah puncak dari gunung es. Banyak penjara swasta memiliki perjanjian dengan pemerintah daerah untuk menjamin tingkat hunian yang tinggi - yang berarti pemerintah setuju untuk mengirim sejumlah orang ke penjara, tidak peduli jumlah kejahatan yang mereka lakukan. Itu berarti harus lebih banyak hukum yang dibuat dan menjadikan lebih banyak hal menjadi ilegal, sehingga akan lebih banyak lagi orang yang hidupnya dapat dirusak.

Inilah cara baru untuk menjalankan perekonomian saat ini, menghasilkan keuntungan materi, mencari nafkah.  Sebagai manusia, kita memiliki begitu banyak kecerdikan, dan begitu banyak kemampuan untuk menghasilkan hal-hal baik - sayangnya, alih-alih bekerja sama untuk kebaikan, kita malah berbalik melawan satu sama lain, dan menjadi masyarakat yang kehilangan segalanya, dan masyarakat yang memenangkan segalanya. Melalui Ana Shell Fund kami berharap bisa mengubah hal ini, walaupun akan memakan waktu lama dan menghabiskan banyak energi - kami berharap untuk mengantarkan masyarakat yang lebih kooperatif dan adil, tempat semua orang bisa menjadi pemenang.

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris, artikel asli di publikasikan tanggal di 17.12.2013: http://anashell.blogspot.com/2013/12/prisons-for-profit-latest-corporate.html

Penjara demi Keuntungan Materi, Mark Ciavarella, Michael Conahan, sebuah penjara remaja swasta di Pennsylvania, penjara-penjara swasta, memberikan keuntungan materi ]

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Are the poor the real criminals?

One of the most pernicious aspects of modern capitalist society, and one which we are increasingly seeing today, is the criminalization of poor people. It’s always been this way, to some extent, since the industrial revolution. In the dialectical battle of the capitalists against the workers, unions were developed as a method for the workers to maximize their potential for profit. They were treated as social pariahs, called communists, and, in many cases, physically attacked by police and hired thugs – to the extent that today, the union movement in the west is a fragile shadow of what it was one hundred years ago. On the other hand, attempts by capitalists to maximize their own potential for profit, by reducing wages, increasing working hours, and neglecting safety regulations, have almost always been supported by governments, sometimes implicitly and sometimes explicitly, through the passing of pro-corporate laws.

In a recent column in The Guardian, the journalist George Monbiot discussed yet another legal means of repression that authorities could soon be using against the poor – IPNAs, or Injunctions to Prevent Nuisance or Annoyance. These injunctions can be served against anyone for any actions that a judge believes may cause ‘nuisance’ to someone else. Repeating the action after the injunction has been granted can lead to a two year jail sentence, even though the actions themselves may not ordinarily be considered crimes. As Monbiot points out, these injunctions will not be used against ‘respectable’ people making noise or blocking the pavements outside wine bars and opera houses. They will be used against soccer fans, protestors, young people who are considered noisy or threatening, and homeless people looking for a place to sleep. In other words, they will be used to turn people who are already poor into criminals as well.
Homeless people, those with the absolute least in our societies, are particularly susceptible to criminalization. At the end of last year, the city of Los Angeles began considering a new law to ban the feeding of homeless people in public areas – essentially banning soup kitchens, and taking away one of the few comforts that these poverty-stricken people have. Philadelphia, Raleigh, and Orlando, among other cities in the US, already have similar laws on their books. They are part of an attempt to legislate homeless people away by making it criminal for them to sleep outdoors, to beg for money, or even to gain access to food..
What does all of this achieve? Much like the union-bashing of the early 20th century, this criminalization of the poor is not intended to improve the lives of anyone at the bottom of our social pyramid, but rather those of the people at the top. It perpetuates the existence of a wealthy, protected class, and a persecuted, perpetually poor group at the other end of the spectrum. It is an attempt to avert class solidarity among the vast majority of people who are being made poorer by wage cuts, unemployment, and reductions in social security by designating a certain percentage of those people as ‘criminals’ who should be looked down on rather than helped.
Instead of further damaging the prospects of the poorest in society, it’s time to criminalize the truly harmful activities – the speculation on Wall Street, the selling of sub-prime mortgages that led to the financial crash, and the constant digging, drilling, and fracking for coal, oil, and gas. These things would improve society for all of us, rather than just for the small minority that existing laws benefit.

Sunday, February 2, 2014



[ 学生抗议活动出现在英国, 学生运动, 英国学生, 政治活动, Ana shell, 盈利性监狱, 所未有的经济增长 ]