Thursday, June 27, 2013

Must read story. Part 2

As I promised before, here is the rest of my story about Andrew - the friend of mine from Cyprus (

Andrew visited several banks in Singapore over three days. He wanted to get a personal consultation about his options for transferring money out of Cyprus into a local bank. He was hoping to find out more about the security he could expect under Singaporean laws, but he could never find out anything of material value for his new strategy. The main conclusion Andrew reached after his meetings with bankers was a general one that the global system of offshore havens is becoming a thing of the past. He talked a lot  about the coming abrupt deterioration in the global financial system, which was why the operation to eliminate offshore zones was speeded up a little. The naïve Andrew was outraged that authorities were putting together a database of offshore zone clients and that it would be complete some time in early 2014.

It was both funny and sad to watch Andrew and his brother because they were both expecting a quick recovery from the ongoing financial crisis. They are still refusing to see that the hunt for other people’s money started in Cyprus precisely because the financial crisis was and is still in full swing. Andrew’s clients were lucky to have only lost some of their money, because they could have lost their life or freedom. A somewhat civilized version of high street robbery has come to the market. After the events in Cyprus, anybody who has eyes can see the horrible truth about this civilization’s banking system: all the “first-world” Western countries are bankrupt and perfectly capable of robbing their own citizens and foreign nationals alike.

To put the sad situation with Andrew, his clients, and other ordinary people into perspective, one only needs to look at the gold scam that showcases how severe the current bankruptcy of Civilization is. It transpired in 2012 that trade in counterfeit gold bullion was rampant on the world market, with tungsten ingots coated in gold masquerading as pure gold. Suspicions arose that the vaults of central banks and national treasuries contain hoards of tungsten. US member of Congress Ron Paul successfully argued for selective testing of bullion stored in the vaults of Fort Knox and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Germany demanded that the US return the gold from the Bundesbank’s international reserves held in the NY Fed vault, meeting insurmountable resistance from the US Treasury and Federal Reserve System.

I told Andrew that the topic of central banks’ gold was going to get an even higher profile in 2013. Thus, everyone is anxiously awaiting the release of results of selective physical tests on gold bullion stored in the US Treasury. The US authorities promised to announce the results in early 2013. Everyone is also tense in anticipation of Germany’s reaction to Bernanke’s statement on mysterious disappearance of the German government’s gold.

As an illustration, I quoted the thoughts of Amartya Sen (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate and board member of ECAAR-USA), who wrote more than 10 years ago in the International Herald Tribune on 14 July 2001 that equality between and within nations is the fundamental issue of Civilization. Relative inequality includes non-uniform distribution of wealth as well as a huge asymmetry in political, social and economic power. Distribution of globalization’s potential benefits between rich and poor nations, as well as among different groups within nations (countries), is a major issue. Amartya Sen wrote that the rich were getting richer, and the poor only poorer.

Ana shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, Ana Shell Singapore, Anastasia Samoylova, crisis Cyprus, Cyprus, NRGlab, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, NRGLab Pte Ltd ]

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Automotive Industry Development Trend

         Internal combustion engines (ICEs) came into existence quite a long time ago; their efficiency factor, however, hasn’t changed much since. To date, the efficiency factor of a gasoline ICE is 25-30%, while a diesel ICE is 40-45%.
         From a physics standpoint, the operational principles of gasoline and diesel engines are not all that different. From a mechanical standpoint, gasoline ICEs have a higher rotation speed and lower torque. Diesel ICEs, on the other hand, have a lower rotation speed and a higher torque. This is exactly why gasoline engines are used predominately in passenger cars, while diesel engines are more common in trucks and tractors.
         Substantial loses in ICE-produced energy can be observed during the mechanical transfer of torque to the wheels. For example, transmission loss can reach 10-20% of the engine’s overall power, depending on gear ratio and vehicle speed.
         An uneven load during ICE operation can contribute to a drop in efficiency (up to 50%). Auto manufacturers cover these losses by applying different fuel-usage models for city and freeway driving. For city driving, acceleration and braking is very typical, which leads to higher fuel consumption (which may double in some cases).
         As a result, the actual efficiency of a gasoline ICE is 16.6-20%, while a diesel ICE registers between 26.6-30%. The rest is smoke, heat, noise, and odor.
         The battle against transmission loss and uneven ICE performance was won when the hybrid engine car was invented. In essence, the engineering solution they provide is an ICE onboard computer that not only works under constant load, but also rotates electrical generators. Motors mounted on the wheels take electrical energy from the generator and battery. When a vehicle is going uphill, energy is taken from the batteries and evenly distributed to the wheels. When a vehicle is going downhill, momentum is transferred back to the batteries. Think of it as a complex, yet natural, recharging process. Ultimately, however, everything relates back to ICE efficiency.
         Turbine ICEs are a little different from piston ICEs. The engine is essentially the same, but the compressor, combustion chamber, and energy converter are three completely different devices. In a piston engine, all operations occur in one place. In a turbine engine, efficiency is heavily dependent upon the turbine’s power capacity. Based on experimental data and calculations, the following unofficial recommendation is made: for power generation up to 800 kWs, use a piston ICE; for higher capacities, use a gas turbine unit (GTU).
         Theoretically, a GTU can be installed in any car. The unit is small and light, and there’s no need for cooling. However, there are some significant disadvantages (perhaps even more than ICEs have):
1)  A lower efficiency factor (15-25%)
2)  High rotation speed and low torque, all leading to larger transmission losses
3)  Low motor power potential
4)  Higher costs
5)  Lower range of power control
         Because of these disadvantages, GTUs in cars never caught on. A few prototypes were created – mass production was even attempted – but the idea was never widely accepted.
         NRGLab Pte Ltd, along with an Israeli group of scientists, has developed a new GTU concept.  The main difference between our GTU and a traditional GTU is its efficiency of 75%! Speed rotation is almost as high as observed in gasoline engines, i.e. 3,000-3,600 rpms. Among the disadvantages of the new GTU are an absence of power control and restrictions in fuel consumption. Possible fuels that can be used are methane, propane-butane, and methanol.
Gasoline car
Hybrid car with GTU
Consumption, liter/100 km
Kind of fuel
non-leaden gasoline
Cost of fuel
Motor potential, h
Engine power, kW
Engine weight, kg
Cost of engine

         From an engineering standpoint, such GTUs can be used in hybrid cars. This way, fuel consumption per mile is reduced. Consider the above example of a conventional gasoline engine versus a proposed hybrid with one of our new GTUs:

         The new GTU (unlike the traditional GTU) needs a radiator. As it so happens, so does the gasoline engine. The table above gives an example of using methanol versus gasoline. The same results will be produced if liquefied natural gas (LNG) is used, too. When converting natural gas into cubic meters, the rate is 3 m3 for every 100 km.  All values are conditional, and were taken based on average car parameters.  

By Zeev Drori

[ Ana shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, Ana Shell Singapore, Anastasia Samoylova, nrglab company, NRGLab Pte Ltd, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, SH-box] 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Check out what NRGLab is up to

Check out how NRGLab is revolutionizing the way the world looks at energy by visiting our website at Did you know that agricultural waste, biomass, and natural gas can be utilized as low-emission fuel?  Well, it’s true!

We’re recycling coal in Indonesia, engine sludge in Malaysia, and rice husks in Malaysia into eco-friendly diesel fuel. In Singapore, for example, NRGLab is able to recycle 2,000 tons of waste into an average of 700 m3 of fuel on a daily basis. Plus, we’ve strategically partnered with Viscoil Holdings ( to service all of South East Asia, ensuring that the future of recycling is a bright one no matter where you live!

Our innovative Gasification Program has been proven to operate at a reduced cost compared to conventional gasification methods, while providing a source of clean, reliable, and affordable green-energy for developed, or developing countries.

But that’s not all NRGLab has to offer. We’re currently demonstrating to a number of governmental bodies that oil, coal, and gas are 3 times more expensive to produce than NRGLab’s carbon-free SH Boxes. By converting energy from geothermal heat, you could be paying as little as $0.03 per kW with one of our electrical generators!

In other science news, NRGLab has developed the patent-pending “Eco-SV” Method for increasing the efficiency of gas turbine generators. Performance tests have proven conclusively that we can boost electrical efficiency levels by 20-30%!

So stop wasting money. Stop wasting energy. Stop contributing to the staggering level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Join NRGLab in the impending energy revolution!

Truly yours,
Ana Shell

[ Ana shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, Ana Shell Singapore, Anastasia Samoylova, NRGlab, NRGLab auction, nrglab company, NRGLab Pte Ltd, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур ]

Siapa yang Akan Membawa Lampu dan Listrik ke Afrika?

Sejak tahun 2009, permintaan lampu bertenaga surya di Afrika telah mengalami pertumbuhan tahunan sebesar 90%. Hampir 4 juta lampu telah terjual, nilai yang sekilas terlihat mengesankan, namun ternyata hanya mewakili 3% dari pangsa pasar saat ini. 3%!

Pada tahun 2009, para ilmuwan berlomba untuk membuat lampu berkualitas dengan harga murah demi membantu memodernisasi dunia berkembang. Dan di tahun 2013 ini,  lebih dari 40 perusahaan memiliki paten produk-produk yang memenuhi standar ketat yang ditetapkan oleh “Lighting Africa”, sebuah program gabungan IFC dan Bank Dunia yang berupaya untuk menyediakan listrik bagi tempat-tempat yang sebelumnya terputus dari aliran listrik. Bagi 40+ perusahaan, rintangan terbesar yang harus mereka hadapi saat ini adalah kurangnya modal kerja. Mereka membutuhkan dana lebih banyak untuk memproduksi dan mengekspor lampu sehingga cukup untuk memenuhi permintaan yang melonjak. Tapi pilihan untuk mengatasi kebutuhan modal yang ada masih jauh dari ideal. Perusahaan dapat mencoba, baik untuk meningkatkan tingkat modal pinjaman mereka dari investor atau bank, atau mengandalkan cadangan modal mereka, yang buntutnya hanya akan menyebabkan mereka jatuh ke jurang kebangkrutan dengan mudahnya.

Pada tahun 2011, Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) bermitra dengan Dana OPEC bagi Pembangunan Internasional membantu memberikan kredit kepada perusahaan-perusahaan yang kesulitan modal kerja. Hasilnya adalah gelombang penjualan - ratusan ribu lampu bertenaga surya yang diperkenalkan ke Afrika. Selaras dengan berkembangnya pasar, permintaan pasti meningkat. Jika sistem investasi aman pada produsen inovatif, produk-produk berkualitas tidak pada tempatnya, maka akan hampir mustahil bagi ekonomi Afrika bisa menopang dirinya sendiri. Sebaliknya,hal ini akan menjadi korban dari "gelembung" dan "ledakan."

Seperti diketahui banyak orang, teknologi surya memiliki kekurangan. Padahal, panel surya itu terbatas kemampuan dan kapasitas penyimpanannya karena sel fotovoltaik panel surya itu sendiri. Ukurannya juga besar dan tidak berfungsi di malam hari, atau juga ketika hujan. Dan yang paling parah dari semua itu adalah - harganya mahal!

Mengapa mengandalkan lampu bertenaga surya bila bola lampu filamen murah yang dinyalakan melalui jaringan listrik telah menjadi kebutuhan pokok dunia era Thomas Edison dan Nikola Tesla di abad ke-19 silam?

NRGLab secara aktif mencari mitra dan investor untuk membantu menumbuhkan modal kerja yang mencukupi untuk memproduksi SH-box, generator portabel yang mampu memberikan kekuatan ke semua penjuru Afrika, atau negara berkembang lain yang membutuhkan listrik. SH-box dengan tingkat emisi nol dapat membuktikan menjadi bagian yang dapat menjaga stabilitas ekonomi Afrika karena menghasilkan listrik semurah $ 0,03 per kWh sehingga investasi bisa dialokasikan ke tempat lain, misalnya bagi perluasan jaringan listrik dan kesejahteraan sosial.

Visit for updates on upcoming SH-box auctions, or to learn more about how partnering with NRGLab may just be the soundest investment and smartest decision you’ve ever made.

Kunjungi untuk informasi terbaru lelang SH-box berikutnya, atau untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang bagaimana bermitra dengan NRGLab mungkin menjadi investasi yang paling aman dan keputusan bijak yang pernah Anda buat.

Diterjemahkan dari Bahasa Inggris. Artikel asli diterbitkan pada 11 Juni 2013 di

[ krisis ekonomi, Ana shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, energy alternative, NRGLab Pte Ltd, NRGLab Сингапур, nrglab singapore, NRGlab]

Monday, June 24, 2013

A few simple tips to big energy savings!

You could be saving as much as 85% on your monthly energy bills by making a few simple efficiency upgrades, says Jeff Wilson, a ‘Do It Yourself’ expert who’s hosted more than 200 episodes on stations like HGTV.

First, replace your old incandescent light bulbs with longer lasting, and now more affordable, LEDs. “They have great light quality,” says Wilson. “They’re dimmable and will save you between 70 and 90% on energy costs. The trim just pops out on your ceiling canned lights, you unscrew the bulb, and just screw in the LED adapter, and plug it into the back of the new light housing! And four springs hold it in.”

While many of you are probably already aware of these energy-efficient LEDs, something you probably haven’t heard of before is a shower-drain heat recovery unit. Sound complicated? It’s not! This device reuses the heat from water that runs down the drain by collecting it in a separate coil.

 “The used water is piped around a main copper pipe. The heat that’s in the shower water is transferred to the incoming cold water line. That means you’re going to use less hot water from your hot water tank to take your shower. (About) 40 percent less hot water,” Wilson explains.

This heating system can be installed for less than $400 and pays for itself in less than two years! Spend a dime now. Save a quarter later. And take more steamy hot showers!

Finally, new spray-coated insulator is helping homeowners keep the heat in during the winter, the cold in during the summer, and energy prices down across the board. Kits are available for ‘Do It Yourselfers’ for around $200. Spray the coating around door frames, in the basement, attic – anywhere you think there might be a leak.

Some, like Wilson, are even coating their entire homes in this new insulator, creating an energy force field! “It’s far more effective than other insulation,” he says. The stuff comes in two tanks that mix together. It goes on wet, and when it cures, it expands to six times its size, and it’s inert when it’s cured, so it’s safe. When you’re spraying it on, you want to wear protective gear, but once it’s cured, it’s a highly effective insulator and air sealer.”

After adhering to these three tips, Wilson has reduced energy costs on his 70-year-old home by a whopping 85%! But you don’t have to be as extreme as Wilson. Listening to even one of these tips will help you save money while simultaneously cutting down on your carbon footprint.

So what are you waiting for? Get moving! You’re letting your hard earned money go to waste as you read this very sentence!

Truly Yours,
Ana Shell

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Why oil companies are banking on the ice caps melting

By now, it should be common knowledge that the ice caps are melting due to an increase in the Earth’s surface temperature. Blockbuster Hollywood movies and proponents of global warming have offered us one apocalyptic scenario after another. Ice ages. Tsunamis. Super-storms. However, one demographic may actually be banking on the ice caps melting: big oil.

According to a report filed by the U.S. Geological Survey, an estimated 13% of the planet’s reserve of unperturbed oil, and 30% of natural gas, sit beneath the once-thick sheath of Arctic ice. Oil executives are salivating for a chance to begin drilling operations. Nations, too.

Russia has already dispatched a fleet of submarines to explore the North Pole. Amy Crawford, a writer for Smithsonian Magazine, says China is next in line.
"China obviously does not have any Arctic coastline. Their northern border is about 900 miles from the Arctic Circle. But they are seeking influence."

In order for China to get in the game, they’ll need support from Canada, one of their main suppliers of crude oil. But if Canada does throw their support behind the Chinese, the move could damage relations between Canada and their neighbor to the South, the United States.

The U.S. and Canada are currently vying for control of the Northwest Passage, a direct sea route to the North Pole that, thanks to global warming, is ice-free for the first time in years. The route is substantially shorter (4,000 miles and 2 weeks shorter, in fact) than the alternative route through the Panama Canal. Obviously, this represents some financial leverage. Canada contends that stretches of the Northwest Passage fall within its jurisdiction, while the U.S. argues that it’s part of international waters. Let the bickering begin!

Russia, on the other hand, controls 100% of the Northeast Passage, giving them a distinct advantage in the race to claim the Artic oil, which is technically ‘up for grabs’. Crawford writes: “In 2007, they (the Russians) actually did this symbolic flag planting where they sent a formerly secret mini-submarine down and they planted a titanium flag. So it sounds like something out of Christopher Columbus' playbook."

Big oil companies are scrambling to compete, but so far have been forced to abandon exploratory voyages due to insufficient technology. Most of today’s tankers are unable to withstand the sub-zero Artic temperatures and vicious winds – issues naval submarines don’t have to consider.

Are oil and gas really worth all the trouble we’re going through? Wouldn’t it be more cost-effective for countries to invest in alternative forms of energy? Why hope that the ice caps melt when we can work towards the solution of a clean, renewable infrastructure? Unless we want to spend our retirements under water…

Truly Yours,
Ana Shell

Monday, June 17, 2013

The United Nations gathers to discuss dismal state of environment, energy, & world economy

This month, environmental experts assembled at the United Nations to debate and discuss the effects of climate change, sustainable energy development, and strategies for stimulating the global economy.

According to General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic, “the fundamental challenge of our time is [ending] extreme poverty in this generation and significantly narrowing the global gap between rich and poor without ruing the environmental basis for our survival.”

The ‘meeting of the minds’ included UN officials, a number of European energy Ministers, as well as the likes of Rajendra Kumar Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and Jeffrey Sachs, Director of Colombia University’s Earth Institute.
“We need to embrace the path to sustainability,” says Jeremic. “[And craft] a new global partnership in which no nation is left behind, and no country opts out.”

Still refuse to believe that mankind has played a role in climate change? Well, did you know that the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is above 400 parts per million for the first time in over THREE MILLION YEARS!?

In order to combat the cataclysmic fate that awaits, Jeremic claims we need to “de-couple economic growth from our dependence on carbon-based energy systems, which currently provide 80 percent of our primary power needs. We need more energy, not less, to end poverty and raise global living standards. But that power must be low carbon, if we are to remain within planetary boundaries. New technologies are required in order to remake the energy delivery systems so that by mid-century, they produce perhaps three times today’s output, but with less than half of the emissions.”

At last year’s UN assembly on Sustainable Development, a handful of countries pledged to enact social, economic, and environmental change through revamped legislation. While carbon capping has proved mildly successful, other measures have yet to be impactful.

“We have the tools to save the planet from human-induced environmental devastation,” says Jeremic. “What we lack, however, is a fundamental commitment to use them in coherent ways, as well as a full appreciation of how little time we have left before it gets too late.”

NRGLab is committed to providing people with a means of affordable, clean electricity. It’s called the SH-Box. The carbon-free generator produces electricity for as little as $0.03 per kW and weighs less than your typical microwave. By giving people a responsible energy alternative to fossil fuels, we can begin to address the damage we’ve already done to the planet.  Nothing is set in stone. The future is what we collectively make of it. Help NRGLab reshape the world’s energy infrastructure by visiting

Truly Yours,Ana

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hey, Egypt! Get ready for a red hot summer!

Egypt is struggling to meet energy demands during these hot summer months, and with widespread power cuts and shortages, the public is in an uproar.

Sweeping blackouts are leaving homes, offices, and small business in the dark. Especially now that Egypt is in the middle of a heat wave and people are blasting their air conditioners on high. In July, temperatures usually hit 40 degrees Celsius (104F) and above! Talk about sultry…

On Monday, Qatar offered five cargo loads of liquefied natural gas (LNG), worth approximately $300 million, “as a gift to the Egyptian people during the summer months.” The gift is but a small token compared to the $7 billion the company has already lent Egypt over the past year.
Times sure are tough. Now they’re just getting hotter.

The country's budget deficit looks more like the Grand Canyon. Even the Egyptian pound has taken a hit, which has scared away almost all of the private equity opportunities. Cairo’s share index recently closed out at its lowest in over 10 months. Add to all this – slumping tourism, public protests, riots – and government funding has all but disappeared, resulting in forced energy reductions.

“We will suffer this summer,” said Mohamed Shoeib, managing director at Citadel Capital, a private equity firm. “This will be the hardest, most difficult and darkest summer Egypt has ever seen.”
If only Egyptians had an independent source of electricity to power their air conditioners, warehouses, stoves, and storefronts...

Well, soon they’ll be able to with the SH-Box by NRGLab – the key to achieving energy independence. The poly-crystalline generator is renewable and carbon-free, but unlike solar, there isn’t any expensive installation. The SH-Box is ready and able to be integrated into any existing energy grid. You could be paying as little as $0.03 per kW, AND be immune to state mandated blackouts.

NRGLab is already making a difference in the energy future of Southeast Asia. To create a greener future for you, your family, or your business, visit Learn more about the SH-Boxes. 

Truly yours,
Ana Shell

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Who will bring light and electricity to Africa?

Since 2009, demand for solar-powered lights in Africa has experienced an annual growth of 90%. Nearly 4 million lights have been sold, a number which at first glance seems impressive, and yet only represents 3% of the current market. 3%!

In 2009, scientists scrambled to come up with a low-cost, quality light to help modernize the developing world. In 2013, more than 40 companies have patents on products that meet the rigorous standards set forth by Lighting Africa, a joint IFC and World Bank program that strives to provide previously disconnected areas with reliable access to electricity. For these 40+ companies, the biggest hurdle they currently have to overcome is a lack of working capital. They need more money to produce and export enough lights to meet soaring demand. But the options available for filling their capital requirements are less than ideal. Companies can either try to raise their debt level from an investor or bank, or lean on their equity reserves, which can easily result in bankruptcy. 

In 2011, the World Health Organization partnered with the OPEC Fund for International Development to help extend credit to companies struggling with working capital. The result was a wave of sales – hundreds of thousands of solar-powered lights were introduced to Africa. But as the market expands, demand inevitably rises. If a system of sound investing in manufacturers of innovative, quality products isn’t put in place, it will be nearly impossible for Africa’s economy to sustain itself. Instead, it will be victimized by “bubbles” and “bursts.”

As most people know, solar technology has its drawbacks. Panels have a limited capability and storage capacity due to their photovoltaic cells.  They’re bulky, too. They don’t work at night. Or in the rain. And worst of all – they’re expensive!

Why rely on solar-powered lights when cheap filament light bulbs, powered by a grid, have been a staple of the first world since Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla back in the 19th Century?

NRGLab is actively seeking partners and investors to help grow enough working capital to manufacture the SH-box, a portable generator capable of providing power to every corner of Africa, or any other developing country in need of electricity. The zero-emission SH-box may prove to be the piece that stabilizes the African economy; producing electricity for as little as $0.03 per kWh allows for capital to be invested elsewhere, like in grid expansion and social welfare.

Visit for updates on upcoming SH-box auctions, or to learn more about how partnering with NRGLab may just be the soundest investment and smartest decision you’ve ever made.

[ Ana shell, Ana Shell NRGLab, ana shell sh-box, Ana Shell Singapore, NRGLab Pte Ltd, NRGlab, nrglab singapore, NRGLab Сингапур, SH-box, сheap electricity ]

Thursday, June 6, 2013


1. 要求石油和天然气公司在开始新作业前,至少提前30天提交正式通知。
2. 要求公司据实公开所使用的化学物品。
3. 要求在项目启动前,进行测试,以确定施工现场环境的完整性。
4. 禁止在危险的断层线附近开展液压破碎作业。(听起来像是常识,不是吗?地震=糟糕)





从英文版翻而来 原文于2013421

[ 塞浦路斯银行危机, 全球经济危机, SH-box, NRGLab Сингапур, NRGLab Pte Ltd, nrglab singapore, nrglab company, NRGlab ]